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Stray tom cat S5


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You need to know if he belongs to anyone. Same old thing really - put a collar round his neck, with a note in a name thingy, asking the person to call you.


Put a sign up locally in the local shops with a picture of him, asking if anyone owns him? Someone must if he's a large lad, but then again - un neutered toms grow very big. He needs to be checked over really.


Came downstairs this morning and he was in house, I am so relieved. Maybe he has been around and I just haven't seen him. He ran outside when he saw me and straight to little plastic table where I feed him. I looked at his paw and it seems to be healed but has bald patch where he has been nibbling. Will take Rains advice and see if I can get collar on him with note to see if he has owner

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oh good

if u can get it, spray or put a bit of salt water on any wound - and will work on most things. Obv. unless infected, but clean it and salt water are brill.

sounds promising.


Don't think it's infected, looks to be healed and clean but can only get close to him when he's eating. Coudn't really tell if he's still limping but I did touch his paw and he didn't growl at me. Will try to get salt water on it later if he comes back - thanks for all posts. I know he's not my pet but he is a character and me and OH have grown fond of him and my cat just blanks him apart from occasional side swipe as he is on his way back up garden. She is on frontline so no danger of fleas, she was neutered as soon as she was old enough so never had kittens and she's 15 now.

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Could you post a picture ,if he is a stray you could just make someone very happy....We had our tom cat stolen from the garden nearly two years ago and he has never been found.He was a very large cat and 13 years old and to this day we still look for him.


I am sure most people who have lost their beloved cat would love a picture to make sure its not theirs.I think you are doing a brill job feeding and watching out for him...Good on yer :)

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