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Why is Andrea Leadsom MP getting it wrong about cyclists?

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You defend 17 year old girls getting drunk and wandering in the road?


I wouldn't - however even if was sure that she was drunk and wondering in the road which it isn't it wouldn't make me defend someone making no attempt to evade her and ride into her killing her as you seem to be doing. Do you consider 17 year old having a couple of drinks to be a greater offence than reckless and dangerous riding causing death? That is certainly how you are coming across.

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You defend mowing people down just because they are in the road?


Nobody's perfect, and you frequently moan about car drivers attitudes towards cyclists. You might want to reflect on your attitude on this thread if you ever inadverently find yourself "in the way" of a car. Will you expect them to run you down? Will you blame yourself for being in the way even if they did run you down? What if they shouted at you to get out of the way first, will you excuse the driver of putting you over their bonnet?


I like how you jump into threads as if they start when you arrive, and you don't have to bother reading what went before.


Fines for a driver who killed 4 cyclists are less than a tenth of this fine.


That's the whole point.

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I like how you jump into threads as if they start when you arrive, and you don't have to bother reading what went before.


Fines for a driver who killed 4 cyclists are less than a tenth of this fine.


That's the whole point.


That's not the whole point at all - no-one has suggested that a fine for a driver killing cyclists is in any way appropriate. You however seem to be suggesting that striking and killing a pedestrian possibly in the road is perfectly acceptable so long as you are on a bicycle.

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That's not the whole point at all - no-one has suggested that a fine for a driver killing cyclists is in any way appropriate..



Leadsom has. She says drivers would face 14 years and so cyclists should face the same.


Ignoring the fact that drivers never get 14 years, they get a pathetic fine and no ban, and the "FACTS" Leadsom cited do not appear to be facts at all.

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Leadsom has. She says drivers would face 14 years and so cyclists should face the same.


Ignoring the fact that drivers never get 14 years, they get a pathetic fine and no ban, and the "FACTS" Leadsom cited do not appear to be facts at all.


Absolute rubbish - where has she claimed that a fine for a driver killing a cyclist is an appropriate response!?


And a car driver would face up to 14 years - that is the top tariff for causing death by dangerous driving. Whether this is applied or not does not stop this being the case. That aside there is still no-one who has suggested that a fine is a reasonable response for causing death by dangerous driving.


And I have to say accusing someone else of putting forward facts that don't appear to be facts puts you on very thin ice. A bunch of kids who have had a couple of drinks become drunken, threatening chavs who are trying to obstruct a poor innocent cyclist making it perfectly reasonable for him to hit and kill one of them (I am paraphrasing but that seems to be a fairly accurate summary of your "argument").

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