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Real Romany Gypsies

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They're still around, for reason I cannot Canada let a whole bunch of them in from Albain and true to form the kids started their swarming in the downtown, well can't sat we wasn't warned our Goverment is just to dumb for their own good

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Actually, not a lot's changed really, has it? In people's atttitudes to travellers, I mean, not that they still sell pegs or paper flowers. :)


A lot of the gypsies became born-again christians which is why they don't sell lucky heather or do palm reading any more. It's now considered superstitious stuff that isn't allowed in their church.

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there used to be some kind of traveller settlement just off one of the streets below the ski village at neepsend. i did walk in that area once but there were dogs roaming loose so i decided to keep away. i assume thay may have been romanies.

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I used to work with a gypsy chap and we'd spent several days at a time together on the road. He never robbed me, told my fortune or tried to sell me pegs or lucky heather. He didn't wear a bandanna on his head or have large gold hooped earings and he didn't eat his meal using just a stilleto knife. In fact several times he went and sat at a seperate table away from the rest of the gang, because he wasn't keen on our table manners.

He'd refuse to come into my house when he was invited and if he was calling for me he'd stand across the road in view of our window until you spotted him (even in the pouring rain). His reason being was, he said, that as soon as anything went missing in a friends house it was always "the thieving gypsy >masked swearing> had it".

He used to tell us loads of weird, wild and far fetched stories, the majority of which turned out to be true. The rest of the stories just haven't been proven yet.

Oh, and the women absolutely loved him.

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Oh sorry we was talking about the price of tea:roll::roll:


S0 heres the way it works ask my friend how was his Horse for the upcoming race don't want to win it he said because it would put him out of class for upcoming BIG race Hmm went round the barn and soon got the idea NOBODY wanted to win ,So went to my Gypsy Buddy who had the last horse in the race and was driving,told he could win this race just go as far and fast as you can go, coming home his horse dead on his legs and 7other drivers pulling their horse's back just about gave them all heart attack(me to)he was so proud of his big win I never did tell him,I was much to busy counting my money the most ever on a single race aways had a soft spot for Gypsy's after that and wont hear a word bad about them:hihi::hihi:

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I rember the gypsy,s coming around Shirecliffe, my Mam was frightened to death of them, I would say " I ,ll get rid of them, she would not let me, and although we did not have much , she woild find money enough to buy SOMETHING, Usually soap, she was scared they would put a curse on us, if she did,nt buy anything.

I also remember rag and bone man coming around.

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  • 10 months later...

My wife ran outside and grabbed the baby's pram and brought her inside the house because she saw gypsies coming down the street. She was right pleased with herself, 'I'm not letting them steal our Linda she said", on the face of it she'd done the right thing and had acted for the best except for one thing, "I had to remind her that we are Gypsies ourselves and we know it's an old wives tale that they take away children". This is a fact we are gypsys, real posh Romany's who live in an house and can't imagine ever living in a caravan,but it just shows how these old tales carry some weight if they could fool my wife! into believing them.


* I have never seen myself gypsies cursing anyone, in any case it cannot be done, from experience most are artificially polite, they sell flowers as an excuse to beg door-to-to door, if the Police pull them up they have a legal excuse to be knocking on doors because there selling flowers,whilst in reality they are begging coppers and loose change, begging is an offence. My advice is don't buy the flowers or give them your change, nor anything else. With your help they will become fed up and exhausted from begging and might try a proper job. The other thing is please: Do not engage them as tree surgeons, or to tarmac your drive, or to do anything for you. The old Romanys are long gone and they were not honest romantics at all, they all dead and buried and this new lot are Irish thieves, Irish rogues and Irish villains. Irish Tinkers, without a drop of gypsy blood in them, remember the Dale Farm evictions- well they were flying the Irish Flag on site. Real gypsies are Royalists and British through and through. As for fortune telling - a load of rubbish, if it was true wouldn't they all be playing the lottery?

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