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Real Romany Gypsies

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When I was a young Tup in the 50s we would once a year have a visit from the old real Romanys.They camped where Napoleons is now at the roadside on Liversey St,they had horse drawn caravans,brightly painted.They came to our cottage for water,the women asked for my ma saying[Cross my palm with silver lady,ill tell your fortune]mother obliged and she was told she would live until an old age ,have 8 kids,would come into money ect.,I was fascinated by them and sat in their vans talking to em.I watched them cut small tree branches and make clothes pegs and false chrysanthemums which they dyed asstd colours.One year whilst they were there one of them died,straight after they set fire to all his possesions and his caravan which was the custom.Another year I was carrying the shopping back home with my mother past their camp when a romany woman asked my mother for silver but she had none because she,d spent up.She went off her head we would have nowt but bad luck,all our rabbits would die,the house would burn down,she.d have no more kids ect.It rattled our old lass cos she believed all that crap but it gave father a laugh.:roll::D


hiya, it was known by the eldest in my dads family that my nan was from a gypsy stock, in fact my dad remembers seeing his maternal grandmother just once when he was little the memory was of her sat and smoking a clay dodger ( pipe) another was my nan once told me that when when she was a young girl she would go on the moors around sheffield collecting heather and such, in fact she was a dealer into her old age, i saw her once on abbey lane and she told me she had a costomer for a glass paperwieght she had bought, another time she was reading a sunday paper and saw that there had been a gypsy funeral for some high up member of a family and when she read it she told us it was a cousin of hers,she started to settle down after she married g/dad.

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