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AV Referendum - how will you vote?

How will you vote in the AV referendum?  

110 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote in the AV referendum?

    • Yes - Change to AV
    • No - Stick with 'First Past the Post'
    • Don't know/Won't vote

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I'm torn, I like our current system, however it doesn't seem fair that in the last election the LibDems increased their vote by almost 1 million but actually lost 5 seats. They managed to get 6.8 million votes, Labour got 8.6 million and the Conservatives got 10.7 million. This didn't reflect the number of MPs as the LibDems got 57 seats. Labour 258 seats and the Conservatives 306 seats.


So that's a lot of people whose vote didn't carry any value whatsoever.

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I'm happy to change the system to something fairer but I don't like how we aren't being given any real choice in the system. The only other option we are being given is the one that political parties have decided is acceptable to them. If we're going to the expense of holding a referendum on this so the voters can choose the system we want then all of the options should be on there, not just those that politicians feel they can live with.

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Guest sibon

I'll be voting to keep FPTP. I like the strong Governments that it produces. I'm not sure that I could stomach another coalition.:)


I also dislike the idea that my third or fourth preference vote could end up having the same amount of influence as my first choice.


In truth, AV would probably stop me voting altogether. I find it hard enough to find one party to vote for, never mind three or four or five.

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I'll be voting NO.


I am in favour of a proportional system, but AV isn't proportional in any way. People are fooled into thinking that it is because, as things stand, it would produce a more proportional result in the UK. There is no guarantee that this will always be the case. A party could, in theory, still get no MPs at all with 49% of the national vote under AV!


The Electoral Reform Society reckon that Blair's landslides would have been even bigger under AV. Safe seats will still be safe, with only the winning party's votes counting in a third of British constituencies. You also get instances where the party that comes third in first preferences ends up winning. It's hard when you look at the numbers in such cases to maintain the view that AV is fair.


AV is no ones first choice for a system!


I will however confess that I can't be sure that all of the above isn't merely incidental to the fact that I can't stand Nick Clegg.:blush:

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I will be voting against AV.


Incidentally, has anyone else received the letter from the "Yes" campaign? It is one of the worst bits of propaganda I have ever received! It doesn't explain anything about how the AV system works... I wonder how much money they have spent sending this out to everyone, and who has had to pay for it? Is it funded by the LibDems or by the tax payer?

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<<<<<I also dislike the idea that my third or fourth preference vote could end up having the same amount of influence as my first choice.>>>>


That is the line I would take. I think a 'no' vote will be my choice. Waiting to see what the various leaflets have to say first though.

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I'm voting against the change. I don't agree with the supposed merits of AV, but also if it is rejected, it could land a fatal blow to Clegg, who sold his partys' soul on the vague promise of electoral reform, and got nought.

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I'm voting against the change. I don't agree with the supposed merits of AV, but also if it is rejected, it could land a fatal blow to Clegg, who sold his partys' soul on the vague promise of electoral reform, and got nought.


It will be a bigger blow to Cameron if AV comes in. Surely a blow against Cameron is more important?

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