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AV Referendum - how will you vote?

How will you vote in the AV referendum?  

110 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote in the AV referendum?

    • Yes - Change to AV
    • No - Stick with 'First Past the Post'
    • Don't know/Won't vote

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I'm voting against the change. I don't agree with the supposed merits of AV, but also if it is rejected, it could land a fatal blow to Clegg, who sold his partys' soul on the vague promise of electoral reform, and got nought.


The longer a debate about AV goes on the probability of someone using Nick Clegg as a reason to vote "No" approaches 1 and that person is deemed to have lost the argument.

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I'll be voting to keep FPTP. I like the strong Governments that it produces. I'm not sure that I could stomach another coalition.:)


I also dislike the idea that my third or fourth preference vote could end up having the same amount of influence as my first choice.


In truth, AV would probably stop me voting altogether. I find it hard enough to find one party to vote for, never mind three or four or five.


You don't have to vote for four or five. You can vote for one if you want, although looking at this post I doubt you have much in the way of intelligence.


FPTP resulted in the coalition! AV would make little difference to that.

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I think No will be the outcome of the election, which is good because that will be the last referendum on it for at least 20 years, otherwise there's no point in having referendums. The LibDems shot themselves in the foot, the first chance they got.

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I wonder how much money they have spent sending this out to everyone, and who has had to pay for it? Is it funded by the LibDems or by the tax payer?


its paid for by the supporters of whatever side of the debate.


the No campaign are refusing to say who is funding them despite being asked many times.

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which is good because that will be the last referendum on it for at least 20 years, otherwise there's no point in having referendums.


we pride ourselves on having the mother of parliaments and creating representative democracy but this is the first time the ordinary voter has been given any opportunity to have a say in how it works. it shouldn't and won't be the last


if the result is Yes then I can see a move to a more PR based system coming sooner rather than later


if the result is No then having raised the possibility of change the demand for a proper referendum offering the real choice between FPTP, AV and PR may become undeniable

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Definitely No. AV is in no way an improvement on first-past-the-post.


If we are going to reform the system, then how about separately elected legislature & executive as in America? At least that way we would have much better checks & balances.

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I'm torn, , however it doesn't seem fair that in the last election the LibDems increased their vote by almost 1 million but actually lost 5 seats.


AV isn’t PR which is what you seem to be advocating, the Conservatives have agreed to a vote on AV to pacify the Lib / Dems knowing it’s a complete none starter.


Nick Cleggs original views on AV ……………… its a. "miserable little compromise".

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Might have mentioned before, but all my passion on the subject will count for nothing on 5th May. My mum is voting YES and says she's doing so to cancel out my vote. All because she likes that nice Mr Clegg. I told her I'd give her a tenner if she could explain AV to me. It's still in my wallet.:hihi:


Should probably stop there, what with it being Mothers Day....;)

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