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Should women go back to being housewives?

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David Willetts usually seems to be one of the saner members of the government, but it looks like the pressure of coalition is getting to him.....




an interesting assertion, not sure if i agree with it though, what does everyone else think?


We'd gladly stay at home if there was anyway anyone could manage on one wage these days. I work to live, not live to work. It's fine if you can claim extra benefits such as tax credits but if if you are couple with no children and can't claim anything then one wage is not enough. Rent, coucil tax and gas/electricity amounts to nearly £500 per month, then theres food, fuel to get to work etc. Thats one wage gone so we would be living on breadline after that

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Its not really a choice any more. Compare the situation 20-40 years ago with now. A reasonable admin\clerical or manufacturing job could support a stay at home wife, a couple of kids, a mortgage, a car and a holiday once a year. Now you'd be lucky to get that with two earners.

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What a load of coswallop. He's just frightened of losing his own job to a woman, nothing to do with working class men being unemployed. How does a well educated, professional woman prevent a factory worker or bin man from having a job? Ridiculous.


Maybe Ms Odone should start the ball rolling by giving up her well paid job and retire into the private sphere and let some jobless working class man have it instead?


And Willetts should be sacked forthwith and go to spend more time with his family, perhap? I think he's been spending too much time talking to the customers in the public bar, many of whom would love nothing more than to get women back under their thumbs.

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We'd gladly stay at home if there was anyway anyone could manage on one wage these days. I work to live, not live to work. It's fine if you can claim extra benefits such as tax credits but if if you are couple with no children and can't claim anything then one wage is not enough. Rent, coucil tax and gas/electricity amounts to nearly £500 per month, then theres food, fuel to get to work. Thats one wage gone so we would be living on breadline after that
Not all women would gladly stay at home, I'd go raving mad if I couldn't go out and occupy my time. I'd rather work and pay a cleaner, tbh. And also, how fair is that to the man? Why should he have to go out and slog away and the woman stay at home? And what about single sex couples?

yes I agree. I would love to stay at home with my child, but now you need to incomes if you are going to have a fairly decent standard of living unfortunately.
He's not talking about mothers being housewives, though, he's talking about all women. And then again, how fair is it that the father should have to go out to work fulltime and the mother stay at home?


Women fought for the right to be autonomous beings and not just a man's slave and we can't allow that to be taken away from us just because some men can't find work.

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Not all women would gladly stay at home, I'd go raving mad if I couldn't go out and occupy my time. I'd rather work and pay a cleaner, tbh. And also, how fair is that to the man? Why should he have to go out and slog away and the woman stay at home? And what about single sex couples?


I would find plenty to occupy my time if I could afford to stay at home, I'd happily volunteer to help out at animal sanctuary or open my own but I can't afford to give up my job. I was speaking from personal experience and I only work for the money. That's not to say I don't like my job. Certainly would prove impossible for single sex couples if they were female as they would be effectively taken off job market.

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Not all women would gladly stay at home, I'd go raving mad if I couldn't go out and occupy my time. I'd rather work and pay a cleaner, tbh. And also, how fair is that to the man? Why should he have to go out and slog away and the woman stay at home? And what about single sex couples?

He's not talking about mothers being housewives, though, he's talking about all women. And then again, how fair is it that the father should have to go out to work fulltime and the mother stay at home?


Women fought for the right to be autonomous beings and not just a man's slave and we can't allow that to be taken away from us just because some men can't find work.


I didn't mean that, I just meant that it takes the cost of 2 wages to support a household comfortably. I chose to be a mum but it does not mean that I do not like my job , because I love it. It just so happens that I cannot afford to be a mum only without working along with my husband working. This is why I will be returning to work with shifts that work around my child and my husband will do the same. At this point I believe that my child is the most important thing and myself and hubby work only to provide a safe and loving environment for our child. I am still an autonomous being , it just needs a little creativity and I can balance work and bring up children with my husband safely and lovingly:)

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