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Should women go back to being housewives?

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Isn't Willets just applying the age old principles of divide and rule with this ridiculous assertion? Couldn't it work the other way roiund, eg. "working class men are the reason women still don't have equality in the workkplace?


What's more, how does it apply to Wiillet's own party, where both women and working class men are massively under-represented?

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i thinks its individual choice whether u would stay at home, i havnt got children myself and prefer to work but that could all change when i do have children, i do agree that mums should be given more time with their children at vital stages in their life like when their babies

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What a load of coswallop. He's just frightened of losing his own job to a woman, nothing to do with working class men being unemployed. How does a well educated, professional woman prevent a factory worker or bin man from having a job? Ridiculous.


Maybe Ms Odone should start the ball rolling by giving up her well paid job and retire into the private sphere and let some jobless working class man have it instead?


And Willetts should be sacked forthwith and go to spend more time with his family, perhap? I think he's been spending too much time talking to the customers in the public bar, many of whom would love nothing more than to get women back under their thumbs.

My bold


So very true! And, let's face it, there's still enough prejudice round that if a man and a woman, equally well qualified, apply for the same job or promotion, the man's more likely to get it than the woman!!


I read that stupid article on FB the other day, and was thoroughly incensed by it!


My favourite quote was:


"The feminist revolution in its first round effects was probably the key factor. Feminism trumped egalitarianism."


Egalitarianism means equal opportunities for all, but he's saying that women should be excluded from the work force, so do we not count as human beings any more?


And what's supposed to happen to single women? Are they to be generously allowed to work, or should they sit and starve on the dole, so that some bloke can have a job???

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I would love to have the luxury of staying at home more to be with my 6 year old more.


Sadly, this may be about to come true as I have lost 16 hrs a week due to funding cuts in our workplace, hmm, half the hours, half the money, not good !

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Its not really a choice any more. Compare the situation 20-40 years ago with now. A reasonable admin\clerical or manufacturing job could support a stay at home wife, a couple of kids, a mortgage, a car and a holiday once a year. Now you'd be lucky to get that with two earners.


Do you really think so, I don't remember finding it easy on one income. Our kids are 40ish. From them being quite young I worked, and their dad was earning a reasonable amount in the 1970s. We had a mortgage, and we ran a car for OH's job, but our holidays were often family visiting, or a cheap caravan for a few days. I always worked once both of ours were at school. We wanted our children to grow up in a reasonable environment where they'd go to a decent school etc. It was worth working for IMO.


Now I'm retired, and with all the modern conveniences, washing machine, dish washer, no fires to make, microwave etc., housework doesn't and couldn't fill my days. I don't mind the odd bit, but as a full time job - no thanks! So unless a woman has a very young child, or other caring responsibilities, of course they should work if they want or need to.

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We'd gladly stay at home if there was anyway anyone could manage on one wage these days.


Good point, although it does raise the question of how the previous generation managed it (i.e. in the 1970s).


Aren't we supposed to be better off these days? Isn't inflation supposed to have been low for most of the last 15 years? Certainly imported Chinese made plastic tat has never been cheaper.


Why is it that people can no longer manage on a single wage?


(HINT: An unsustainable, bubbalicious housing boom might have something to do with it. There's a price to be paid for housing going up 100%, 200% or 250% in "value" y'know).

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How does a well educated, professional woman prevent a factory worker or bin man from having a job? Ridiculous.



My bold


So very true! And, let's face it, there's still enough prejudice round that if a man and a woman, equally well qualified, apply for the same job or promotion, the man's more likely to get it than the woman!!





And there's still enough prejudice round to presume that a working class man is necessarily an uneducated manual labourer.

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