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Petrol price rises

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Right from what I can see the price per barrel at the moment is $70 or £43.29.


A barrel of crude oil contains 42 US gallons or roughly 159 litres.


Out of 42 gallons roungly 20 gallons will be turned into gasoline or petrol (the rest being turned into other things such as jet oil, diesel, etc)


So lets say 79 litres per barrel at the current average price of 101.5p = £92.28 (or $149.19) per barrel.


This is aside from the other 22 gallons of which obviously the oil refinary will be making money on. I believe it is the government as they get about 75% per litre in fuel duty and VAT.


An added side note would be that when they reduced VAT to 15% they incresed fuel duty by 2p/Ltr.


If you think about it in this day and age roughly 50% of your annual wage will probably end up in the government coffers for various taxes on wages, petrol, VAT, savings, etc

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petrol usually goes up in price during summer months as this is hurricane season in places like Mexico.


if the supply of oil "could" be affected by storms in the gulf of mexico (for example) the uncertainty has an effect on the market.




it's not the govt making money - yes we are paying a lot of tax on petrol and they have put this up recently, but they are not increasing tax at a rate of 1p per week. this is being increased by the retailer ONLY.

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You can see just how volatile oil prices can be over a year by looking at this link on the BBC web site http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/fds/hi/business/market_data/commodities/143908/twelve_month.stm

As you can see we were paying a lot more a year ago, we all have very short memories when it comes to money and politics


As you can see from the graph, the cost of a barrel is almost half compared to a year ago, but the cost of petrol is not comparable.


Then when you look at the continent, their prices are not rising as much as ours. Germany's prices have risen by half that they have risen in the UK!


It’s profiteering. The oil companies are worth billions and make billions on profit every year. But the people who are meant to keep our interested, the UK government don’t give a flying monkeys what you have to pay for Water, Gas and Oil.

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As you can see from the graph, the cost of a barrel is almost half compared to a year ago, but the cost of petrol is not comparable.


Then when you look at the continent, their prices are not rising as much as ours. Germany's prices have risen by half that they have risen in the UK!


It’s profiteering. The oil companies are worth billions and make billions on profit every year. But the people who are meant to keep our interested, the UK government don’t give a flying monkeys what you have to pay for Water, Gas and Oil.


Well you know who to blame for the gas and water don't you, Maggie Thatcher and the Conservatives.

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