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Petrol price rises

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Well you know who to blame for the gas and water don't you, Maggie Thatcher and the Conservatives.


I seriously wish one day the lefties will realise they cannot blame everyone else for everything. Stop shirking responsibility and wake up!

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top tip. buy your petrol in the evening when its cooler hot weather makes petrol expand so you get less for your money


Its a bit of a myth that, the tanks are underground so dont really heat up, if they did it would be better to buy in the morning after a full night of cool weather.

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Diseasel is creeping back up as well.


Doesn't bother me too much, all my fuel (Company car) is re-imbursed by my company as part of my contract.


I only do around 3K miles pa in my petrol car, so about 200 gallons. An increase of 25p per litre would only cost me an extra £230 per year.

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Or alternatively you could wake up - because they are private companies the government cannot tell them their prices, because that would be anti-competitive


So it is entirely privatisation, not the labour government


I’m happy to say I am awake. I have seen the price they pay at the pumps in mainland Europe, I have seen haulage companies go down the pan because the cost of fuel is so high in the UK. Its people with no understanding and the lacklustre attitude like yours that means others in the UK are forced to pay higher prices. If this was France or most other EU nations they wouldn’t stand for it.


Petrol is the only item we have to buy that is taxed twice. The petrol is taxed before it gets to the pump then you pay tax on the tax in VAT! This is why other countries have cheaper fuel. We are ripped off by our own government in a way they would never tolerate!


The labour government has a duty to stop anticompetitive behaviour by any company operating in the UK. Just because they are private companies does not give them the right to abuse their position and exploit its consumers.

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In fact for the person why tried to blame the current fuel prices on Thatcher, it was John Major who created the fuel duty escalator. Previously the fuel tax had risen relatively in live with inflation. It was the major government who increased the tax but it was the Blair government who raised it to 6% above inflation and it’s the present Labour party who are sticking to this figure!

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