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If you had the chance to become a moderator.. would you?

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One of our jobs is trying to keep threads on topic. Its understandable that people will respond to each other, but sometimes they completely forget what the thread is about and go off on a tangent.


I was a mod for a couple of years before being asked to join the admin team. I still contribute as a user, why shouldn't I? The forum is important to everyone in the team, thats why we give up our free time to try to keep it running. We don't get everything right, we're human, but generally I'd say we are fair and even handed in our dealings.

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I don't mind when threads go off topic, in fact some of the best posts are produced this way. I look on forums as a bit like a pub so the drift of conversation seems natural.


Some threads should stay on topic and others naturally “ develop “, as you suggest thats the way it should be,

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I would close all threads from conspiracy nutters. Please give me a job as a moderator on SF. :thumbsup:


Why would you close threads which are asking questions which mainstream media will not ?


What's wrong with conspiracy theories?


Is not like the Goverment does not lie and spin every thing it says and does ?'nn

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I would close all threads from conspiracy nutters. Please give me a job as a moderator on SF. :thumbsup:



Why would you close threads which are asking questions which mainstream media will not ?


What's wrong with conspiracy theories?


Is not like the Goverment does not lie and spin every thing it says and does ?'nn


I can only presume he is not able to afford the sheer numbers of tinfoil hats he would need to provide for the conspiracy theorists.

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I did both mod and admin roles for a few years and it is a sometimes painful and thankless task. Because Sheff Forum is a geographical forum rather than one that is tied together by a theme you deal with the wide cross section of humanity - some of whom you really wouldn't want to deal with. What you see on the forum is only a small percentage of the work that actually goes on behind the scenes and there were certainly days (and I assume still are) when I was up till the early hours chasing out particularly pernicious and nasty troll like entities. It also has a serious effect on what you can post - people will pounce with glee on any possible infraction that a mod has made which really cuts into the enjoyment of the place. Still Sheff Forum has been very good to me and I was happy to do my bit to help it run more smoothly but I do tend to think that time as a mod or admin should be time limited so you don't hit the point where you just can't take the aggro any more and have to just dump the site entirely.


Of course within days of giving up here I found myself modding on another site but as that's a thematic one I'm finding it a breeze in comparison!

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