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Mothers Day Big Let Down by Selfish Kids

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My Mum made me ring my Gran.


She said "Pffft it's a load of copied American crap the same as everything else, I'm glad I didn't get anything from you, it's a waste of money. You didn't have to ring"


Mothering Sunday, which is Christian in its beginnings falling on the 4th Sunday of Lent and is different from US Mothers Day.


BTW sorry for all the Mums who had a rubbish Mothers Day. They cant get every year just right. Heres to hoping its made up to you through out the year.

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My Mum made me ring my Gran.


She said "Pffft it's a load of copied American crap the same as everything else, I'm glad I didn't get anything from you, it's a waste of money. You didn't have to ring"


Your Gran sounds like a sad old woman, I'm glad you didn't buy her anything either :hihi:

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sorry to here you didnt have a nice mothers day, ive had a lovely day which started with my 3 1/2 year old waking me up sing happy birthday mothers day lol which was so cute with her holding a card a bunch of flowers and some chocs, im a very lucky mummy! :)

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I have had the worst mothers day ever. Husband didn't bother taking kids anywhere to get me something, instead he went to Morrissons this morning and bought a card, a half bottle of vodka, Dead Men Don't wear Plaid on DVD (why why why, I've never blooming heard of it?) and some pansies.


THEN, kids didn't even bother to give me said card and presents, they were just left in the Morrissons carrier bag in the kitchen.


THEN hubsy decided to have a crisis of confidence and expected me to make him feel better................... WELL, sorry mate, it aint happening.


I am now at work (until 10.30pm) and quite frankly, I think I am better off here.


Happy Mothers Day to all them deserving mum's, I hope you had a better day than me. xxx


Some people are NEVER satisfied. A card, flowers, DVD & a drink? And you're still unappreciative? No wonder the stuff was left in the carrier bag. That in itself speaks volumes. No, I wouldn't have bothered buying you anything at all.

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Some people are NEVER satisfied. A card, flowers, DVD & a drink? And you're still unappreciative? No wonder the stuff was left in the carrier bag. That in itself speaks volumes. No, I wouldn't have bothered buying you anything at all.


What he said.


As for the day itself.... people need to stop wasting money on over commercialised nonsence.

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Good post Pattricia, Its all about money, the same as valentines day etc. Shouldnt people be nice to and make an effort for each other all the time, not just on designated days??


Totally agree. You don't need a designated day to remember & care about someone. It's something that should happen every day. 

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My (then) husband bought me a single present from the moment of conception of our baby to uh, well, nothing at all related to the birth except one night when he went to the local shop for milk, and came back (prompted doubtless by my grumbles of, you never buy me anything) with a Walnut Whip.


They may indeed be excellent confectionary products, but I'd never expressed any interest and to this day (seventeen years on) I still remember the event. And not in a good way! :huh:

I had a similar experience with my ex when my daughter was small. After complaining I'd not received anything he came back from the garage with a chocolate bar. When I showed surprise his reaction was well you're not my mother! At least this year my daughter remembered to send a card through the post from Uni and rang me up on the day.:)

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