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Mods a question please

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can we have a martial arts club thread. we set a few ground rules and any post that dont conform get deleted. stops my club is better than your club and the such like.


also it stops all the "which art/ clubs near" questions



rules are:


Name, address (inc post code) and contact details


run down of what you do.


time table/price.


thats it........ nothing else, no arguing or bitching


so can we have it? any body second it?



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On a personal level I'm surprised that nobody has applied for a Martial Arts Group in the last few years, since there's so much discussion which is MA/MMA specific on SF.


Of course, the major drawback with a group if it was to happen is that a nominated couple of people from the fraternity would have to be able to look after the area and keep order amongst all of the other users in the group, and the group leaders couldn't really be anybody with a business to promote in the group as that would lead to inevitable accusations of bias and even more arguments.


I can see no reasons why you couldn't have a 'Martial Arts club information' thread though- it should be fairly easy to maintain. All you would have to do to keep it tidy is to report any off topic posts.

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if we kept it strictly club details it should stay neutral naturally.


could the thread be made to stay at the top then, for easy viewing, like some of the other threads, and should i just start it and a mod sort the technical side?

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The mods make threads sticky, but on the main forum we try to keep the number of stickies very low as they sit at the top of every page and if we make one for martial arts clubs then we'd have to make one for lots of other types of clubs too.


That would be different if it was in a group- we encourage the use of stickies in the groups for information purposes.


So I've got no problem with making a thread for information purposes, but it couldn't be a sticky I'm afraid.

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That isn't very good.


Looking down the board for years there has been any number of threads about martial arts and the people involved frequently contribute to these threads.


How often does the "which martial art" question come up or someone asking for (for example) "karate in S6". If you don't have it as a sticky it will drift down the board and may as well not be there.


And you mention having to make stickies for loads of subjects. I doubt that would really happen. Certain topics (eg martial arts/exercise classes) come up time and again. The forum would benefit from a factual info thread.


Edit- and while I'm on you have a Sticky for a badminton club.How many badminton threads do we ever get?


agreed its pointless to have this thread then, its just going to get lost.

i notice the stickys got cleaned up and some removed, but this is a valid thread that is usefull and should be up there.


i bet there are 100s of threads asking where clubs are, why not keep the forum clean by having 1 thread with all the info

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Maybe create your own group. ?


I know it's rightful place is in the sports section, but look how close the caravan / camping section is to the walking one, in some eyes.


As a GL of the walking section, to me the subjects are a world apart but to most I guess it would seem they come under the same umbrella, but you couldn't be more wrong.


Go for it i say, just don't choose a ref as your GL. ?

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