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What car(s) do you aspire to?

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I admit to having been entertained by the thread in Sheffield Discussions despite it degenerating into name calling based on the types of cars people drive.

I would like this thread to be a little more genteel, if possible, but I am interested in what people choose (or would choose if they could) and why.

So, the question is “What cars do you aspire to?” and how do these compare to the car(s) you have now. Your aspirations can be the cars you are seriously hoping to buy as you save up and/or earn more, or they can be the fantasy wish if you win the lottery. It’s up to you. I am setting some rules, though. You can choose 2 only (plus a third if you have access to another family owned car, such as your wife’s/husband’s).

On a personal level, I have no desire to spend any money personalising or improving a car – I would aim to buy a car that met my needs straight out of the showroom. The only pimping I might do would be a set of winter wheels. The only way I’d ever add a sub under the seat would be if my half eaten sandwich fell onto the floor and rolled under. I do not understand why people would spend money changing their car – but of course it is their money to do with as they wish, I certainly wouldn’t decry their choices. It’s just not for me. Similarly, I’d have no desire for an exotic sporting car on the road – no real opportunity to use the performance, and too many compromises for day to day use – ride, visibility, parking etc. Again, though, if that’s what someone else wants, it’s no skin off my nose.

My wife and I have a car each (but we regularly drive each others, depending what we are doing or which is the most convenient). My wife has a fairly up market 5+2 seater mpv. I have a fairly mid to down market mini sized car. Both are diesels. These pretty much meet our needs.

My aspirations are minimal. Maybe a bigger mpv (top of the range Sharan or similar) when we next change, but no change to the second car. It’s just a runabout, and big enough, flash enough etc for its role.

Even if we won the lottery and we had lots of disposable income, the types of car would not change, it’s just that we would probably renew them more often. However, with lots of spare cash I’d look to buy a toy, such as a Westfield 7 or similar (although I’d probably have to have one specially made to fit my bum). This would be purely for track day use, never for the road.

So, what would you have, and how does it compare to what you have now?

And try and play nice please, there’s no need to try and knock others’ choices.

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Golf tsi dsg, engine is very quiet and the gearbox is amazing so smooth you cant fell the gear change,very reasonably price compare to the merc i got, just about to order one now


Hope it does'nt cost too much to fill up. :hihi:

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