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Ok,it had to be done! What do women really look for in a man ?

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I'll get me coat then cress! :hihi:


lol BF I hope not


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 21:44 ----------


My wife only likes me when I am working, bringing in the money or buyin gifts. She does'nt do me being around the house, broke and well broke. Wait till I get to the gym and turn my belly into a six pack again. That will make her think.


A classic case of taking someone for granted :nono:


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 21:45 ----------



Don't know about the bits in between.


I couldn't possibly comment - from here, ahem

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when i was watching people dancing salsa tonight, I found out what do women really look for in a man?:) they look for a man who just embrace them dance floor of the life not anybody else:)


---------- Post added 14-03-2013 at 17:08 ----------


Cressida, your msg box is full I can't reply it:) it is 32 you know what I mean:) I don't think it is twice:)

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I thought I had found the perfect woman but alas that went out if the window last month.


Like others have said on here, it doesn't seem to matter who you are inside if you're not an Adonis on the outside.


If women really went for kind, generous, caring, etc men, then id be inundated with date requests.


As it is, because I am bald (thanks mums side of the family) and a bit over weight (thanks me lol, though I'm back at the gym now), I always get over looked for someone else.


I don't believe in buying someone's love etc, but I was always generous with my ex (I almost bought her a car as a surprise last year but it wasnt right), gave her money as she doesn't earn alot (less than half what I do), gave her lots of love, wanted to see her alot (she wanted to see me alot as well), got on well with her family (never happened for me before), built her confidence up, bought her things, put petrol in her car, etc, tbh, I don't think I could've done much more.


But, we did bicker a fair bit (distance was always an issue), so to combat this I took a job in Sheffield and was going to move to Leeds to be with her, which I would've been there by now, as I'd of just paid the rent at my old house and the rent at the new house, just to be with her, as she wouldn't leave Leeds and move to hull.


She told me that she knew that she wanted to marry me, but because I didn't say the same back to her, she took it as though I didn't want to marry her - couldn't of been further from the truth - I just wanted to propose properly, as sitting on the sofa and both saying "lets get married" didn't do it for me, so I'd planned a romantic proposal when we were going to go on holiday next month, as i wanted it to be something that we could both remember for the rest of our lives.


However, because she didnt trust me (tried getting into my phone at Xmas but didnt know the code, and then managed to get into it in jan as I'd left if unlocked (auto lock after 1 min) she saw a text that she didn't like that I'd sent to my ex. Now in hindsight I shouldn't of sent the text to my ex, but there was nothing in it (my ex lives in London, and is close to her family etc, and has no intention of ever coming back up north), I jokingly said she should come to Sheffield with me (I know I am going to get flamed for this, but meh), she replied with no as she knew I was joking, as we already knew ages ago, when we split, that we could never get back together again, and also offering to get a phone contract (£7 sim only) in my name then transferring it to her as it was easier for me to get a contract, but because my gf didn't like me talking about my ex I didn't mention it to her as I didn't want to upset her. Bearing in mind my ex had recently told me her dad had cancer, I aren't going to ignore her, and the contract was so she could be in contact with her dad incase anything happened etc, as she is on payg, and uses credit like its going out of fashion as it never lasts anyway, I thought I was just being kind. Perhaps too kind, and maybe I need to be a little colder in the future.


Anyway, my gf read the texts, didnt say anything to me, let it stew and when we next argued (she was ill, was meant to come and see me but wouldn't and wouldn't let me go and see her) so we ended (much to my unhappiness as I wanted to marry her).


I hope you're still with me and haven't fallen asleep. I don't need telling I'm an idiot, as I know I am, but she was far from perfect but I was prepared to put up with various things, so please, dont flame me too hard.


So, knowing I'm a generous and kind and caring person, how is a woman going to know that when she sees me across a crowed room? All she is going to see is a tallish (5ft10), shaven headed (bald), slightly over weight guy. She won't know about my good qualities, because she isn't interested in someone who looks like me.


So, I'd say a good 95%+ of the women who say looks don't matter, in my experience are just trying to not look shallow.


For me, I like a pretty woman, especially the face. My ex was a size 16/18. Not huge but not slim either. But she had a pretty face and to me was the definition of beautiful.


So, I expect I'll be single for a while and end up settling someone I don't really want but that's the circle of life.


Sorry to bore you all. Feel free to slag me off now :)

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She always did mistrust you I think, that's why she was trying to hack into your phone, when a guy has a girlfriend and maybe a woman who is just a friend, plus a woman he has been close to and is probably still in touch with, it doesn't exactly make a woman feel confident.


A woman who is contemplating a marriage union wants to feel she is the only woman in a guy's life (apart from Mummy of course) she doesn't need the worry - get it!


No matter what a guy does for her there may be doubts, she most likely needs reassurance and if she doesn't trust you now she's maybe thinking what will it be like when he thinks he's got me. Will one woman be enough for him.


These are the sort of worries which damage a person's health, yours as well, if you still want to marry her then it's in your own interest to make her happy.

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We had a heart to heart a few weeks before we split.

Btw, she knew I was talking to my ex about her dad as I told her and she was ok about it as she has lost 3 family members to the big c in the last few years.


In the heart to heart I told her straight that she was the only woman for me. I told her that I wanted her to be my last gf, I didn't and don't want anyone else.


Thing is, she didnt believe me, even though she told me that she did at the time.


At Xmas, she had no reason to mistrust me. I hadnt been in contact with my ex for ages, so why try and get in my phone?


She even went into her friends phone (my friend as well) and sent a text to me pretending to be her friend. This was just after Xmas.


I don't know what else I could've done tbh. I gave up a well paid, secure job for a lesser paid, less secure job (I could be unemployed at any day if I don't pass security checks), was giving up my house and having to pay up the phone bill etc to pay off the contract inc Internet and was looking at houses in Leeds.


I was also going to tell my ex that we couldn't talk anymore.


When we split up I proposed to her. She turned me down. She doesn't want anything to do with me now.


The interesting thing is, is that when I was with my ex, before we got together, she was constantly texting me and trying to get with me. She still talked to her ex, sure he stalked her a bit, but when he turned up at her work she never thought to ask security to ask him to leave etc, she always talked to him. Even when he called her, she wouldn't tell him to go away and put the phone down.


Sure, she never offered to help him out with a contract either, but me and my ex split on friendly terms and my now ex gf knew that.

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You both seem very insecure, so you really shouldn't rush into anything at least until you given each other some space to decide what you want, and if you have a stable future together, something worth waiting for needs maturity on both sides. Your ex and h er ex are getting in the way.

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