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Thai boxing event showdown 9

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Well done to Showdown (Adrian and Husssain) for what was another tremendous night of thai boxing:clap:


Again the Ocatgon centre was the venue and the atmosphere was electric especially when the Sheffield lads were fighting.


the only thing that i didnt like much was the music whilst the fights were on and the dances before the fights ?? seemed to take ages.


But that aside there were some great fights and well done to the wicker camp on their wins

Also well done to Christian, I personnaly thought that he would have stopped the other guy as the fight was just hotting up but unfortunatly got caught with an elbow which caused a massive cut so the reff had to stop the fight.


Any way well done everyone

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The music is so the fighters know how long there is left in the round and also helps them fight at a tempo and find their rhythm easier. The wai kru or as you called it "the dance that take ages before fights" is a very important part of the fight itself. Thailand is a Buddhist country and that is the time where the fighters say prayers thanking their coaches, family, friends for all their help and support leading up to the fight. Its also a chance for the fighters to get to know the ring.


Im taking the fact that you've said "another" Thai show implies you've been to others so surely you had an idea of these traditions before??

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The music is so the fighters know how long there is left in the round and also helps them fight at a tempo and find their rhythm easier. The wai kru or as you called it "the dance that take ages before fights" is a very important part of the fight itself. Thailand is a Buddhist country and that is the time where the fighters say prayers thanking their coaches, family, friends for all their help and support leading up to the fight. Its also a chance for the fighters to get to know the ring.


Im taking the fact that you've said "another" Thai show implies you've been to others so surely you had an idea of these traditions before??


No mate that was the first time ive been to a show that had only thai boxing on, ive been to shows where there has been a mix of diffrent styles.


Intrsting to know about the music though, i guessed that the 'dance' was some sort of prayer but is it compulsery for fighters to do it ? or just out of respect ?

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If they come from a traditional Muay Thai club they will probably have their own Ram Muay (the dance). Im not 100% sure its compulsary everywhere but know it is at Wicker Camp (its in the beginners class syllabus).

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