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Benefits crackdown

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About time. The girl who lived near to my mum has 4 kids with 4 different dads, new car from the social every 4 years all paid for, as one of her sons is supposedly autistic, jets off on holiday 4 times a year, grand life!

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About time. The girl who lived near to my mum has 4 kids with 4 different dads, new car from the social every 4 years all paid for, as one of her sons is supposedly autistic, jets off on holiday 4 times a year, grand life!


that really makes my blood boil:mad:talk about taking the mick.

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Now all we need is those in jobs to be forced to do jobshare to accommodate all those extra now on JSA. Either that or have those that work compelled to re-apply for their job every 4 years like an MP has to as that would be a fairer system for all seeking work.


People shouldn't be guaranteed a job for life as it discriminates against the unemployed.

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About time. The girl who lived near to my mum has 4 kids with 4 different dads, new car from the social every 4 years all paid for, as one of her sons is supposedly autistic, jets off on holiday 4 times a year, grand life!


Are you a doctor? Can you say if he is or isnt autistic?

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At last we are seeing positive action to get those who can work into work and off benefits.

Early results show a third are fit for work and another third are capable of some kind of work,so the scroungers are going to be having sleepless nights now aernt they.:hihi:




Can't see anything wrong with getting dissabled people back to work. Unions and various governments have thought for the DDA laws to protect dissabled people in employment. Now, lets start using them and get people equal access to employment.


There was a thread about people suffering with life threatening/terminal illness' who where still having to claim job seekers, I think this is wrong though!


In my day time job, I get customers complaining that they have been moved from incap to esa or jsa. But, I can't see why they are frightened at the prospect of work. I was proactive in promoting the DDA in the workplace, and the fact that JC+ have dissability advisors who help select the kind of employment an empared person can do. a disabled person gets income tax insentives and working tax credits for returning to work, so its not all bad, the transition from benefits to paid employment.

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Are you a doctor? Can you say if he is or isnt autistic?


No I'm not a doctor, did I say I was? Even if he is autistic why does his mum need a car for her current squeeze to drive to work in anyway, the boy goes to school on the bus, and before you make another remark, his mum told me the car is from the social for his benefit, but and I quote "If they give me owt then i'll have it all" and why not indeed? Why work when it is handed on a plate to you?

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No I'm not a doctor, did I say I was? Even if he is autistic why does his mum need a car for her current squeeze to drive to work in anyway, the boy goes to school on the bus, and before you make another remark, his mum told me the car is from the social for his benefit, but and I quote "If they give me owt then i'll have it all" and why not indeed? Why work when it is handed on a plate to you?


The car is there for him yes! To help look after him!! He goes to school on a bus as he probably goes to a school specially for autistic or special needs. They therefore normally pick the children up as they understand some parents have other children to get to school. Also how do you know they are not driving the car to get things for him? food? clothes? Go to appointments etc? I think you are being abit too judge mental as you do not know the full in's and outs. Also if you have a car on disability to my knowledge you lose so much of your benefits to pay for the car.

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At last we are seeing positive action to get those who can work into work and off benefits.

Early results show a third are fit for work and another third are capable of some kind of work,so the scroungers are going to be having sleepless nights now aernt they.:hihi:



not really,some will claim its harrasment others will just sign on and then sit back knowing it will be almost impossible for them to be offered work,if they do get an interview all they need do is convince the interviewer that they will lose time off work due to an illness prescribed by a doctor ,after a month or so they return to the doctor and ask for a sick note,after 13 weeks they are classed as to sick to work
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