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Benefits crackdown

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I think partly the reason that there are lots of people claiming incapacity benefit when they are fit for work is that its about £30 more a week that the JSA which is £65. It don't take a rocket scientist to work that out.


I agree that there should be more stringent tests but as ever with benefit claimants there will be winners and losers.


I was on JSA last year and went into hospital for an op. (gall bladder removal, as you asked). Despite being told to have 2 months complete rehab., I got myself down to Cavendish Court where an ever-helpful chap told me I was being removed from JSA and put onto Employment & Maintenance Support.


Same money, no troubles there (I thought). Except I was fast-tracked onto the Incapacity Benefits programme where I had to fill out a big form asking such things as:


'Can you sit... For 5 minutes, for less than five minutes or not at all?'


You had to 'succeed' in 18 out of 30 questions to qualify for IB. Frankly, you would have to be a vegetable to honestly qualify by these criteria.


Nevertheless, I was duly summoned for a 'medical' at Hartshead house where the full extent of this scam became apparent. At reception, a woman came in asking for her expenses for attending - something everybody is entitled to (bus ticket etc.) This woman explained that she had driven 5 miles to Meadowhall, parked up and got the tram, so it was about £10. The woman behind reception said 'Yes, but you've had to pay for parking etc., let's call it £25' ! No proof of tickets etc. was asked for. My fellow 'disabled' attendees were, quite frankly, smackheads and their ilk.


I spent a pleasant 30 minutes chatting to the lady doctor (on £75 'bonus' per refusal, I believe) about how I was not disabled, had answered the questionnaire honestly (I got 0 out of 30, which I class as success compared to the cabbages who 'passed' this test) and just needed recuperation and not the endless trips to Cav. Ct., Howden House etc.


I duly heard that I wasn't entitled to IB and would be placed back on to JSA as a 'new' claimant. Despite them having all my records, I had to go through the whole circus again.


It's all about the governments (of all colours) claiming that unemployment is still at that mythical figure of 2.5 million, when it's probably 7-8 million - not including those forced into reduced hours, part time work or unable to claim owing to savings, partner working etc.


Owing to an inheritance, I'm now well out of it but can understand why some people think it is madness to work for low pay when the powers-that-be take more and more out of your salary (around 75% by some accounts).

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I was on JSA last year and went into hospital for an op. (gall bladder removal, as you asked). Despite being told to have 2 months complete rehab., I got myself down to Cavendish Court where an ever-helpful chap told me I was being removed from JSA and put onto Employment & Maintenance Support.


Same money, no troubles there (I thought). Except I was fast-tracked onto the Incapacity Benefits programme where I had to fill out a big form asking such things as:


'Can you sit... For 5 minutes, for less than five minutes or not at all?'


You had to 'succeed' in 18 out of 30 questions to qualify for IB. Frankly, you would have to be a vegetable to honestly qualify by these criteria.


Nevertheless, I was duly summoned for a 'medical' at Hartshead house where the full extent of this scam became apparent. At reception, a woman came in asking for her expenses for attending - something everybody is entitled to (bus ticket etc.) This woman explained that she had driven 5 miles to Meadowhall, parked up and got the tram, so it was about £10. The woman behind reception said 'Yes, but you've had to pay for parking etc., let's call it £25' ! No proof of tickets etc. was asked for. My fellow 'disabled' attendees were, quite frankly, smackheads and their ilk.


I spent a pleasant 30 minutes chatting to the lady doctor (on £75 'bonus' per refusal, I believe) about how I was not disabled, had answered the questionnaire honestly (I got 0 out of 30, which I class as success compared to the cabbages who 'passed' this test) and just needed recuperation and not the endless trips to Cav. Ct., Howden House etc.


I duly heard that I wasn't entitled to IB and would be placed back on to JSA as a 'new' claimant. Despite them having all my records, I had to go through the whole circus again.


It's all about the governments (of all colours) claiming that unemployment is still at that mythical figure of 2.5 million, when it's probably 7-8 million - not including those forced into reduced hours, part time work or unable to claim owing to savings, partner working etc.


Owing to an inheritance, I'm now well out of it but can understand why some people think it is madness to work for low pay when the powers-that-be take more and more out of your salary (around 75% by some accounts).


I had a similar experience. Major cancer surgery, arthritis and messed about by DWP. I was taken off ESA and put on JSA. I was already at the means testing stage so I was denied benefits. I had savings and a working wife so to cut a long story short I told the DWP to stuff their 'benefits'. They are a load of dishonest, unprincipled pirates. I was at a stage in my life when I needed help not hinderance. I was let down badly. Should I have cause to deal with the DWP again I shall take professional advice and representation.

I would be too ashamed to work for a load of liars and cheats like the DWP

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I am all in favour of a benefits crackdown but at the same time when you are paid minimum wage you are going to struggle to end up better off unless you work long hours.

The minimum wage is going up to £6.08 in October its hardly a fortune is it,wages need to rise significantly in order to make work more worthwhile.

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The problem with benefits is that when the claimants have another child their payments increase. This is wrong because people who work don't get a pay rise when they have a child they have to budget their money accordingly.

The cap on housing benefit is a good thing because why should scroungers get to choosse to live in an expensive house and expect the state to fund it. Working people have to buy houses that they can afford.

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