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Benefits crackdown

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About time. The girl who lived near to my mum has 4 kids with 4 different dads, new car from the social every 4 years all paid for, as one of her sons is supposedly autistic, jets off on holiday 4 times a year, grand life!


That's a coincidence, all these occurences in 4s. :surprised

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Some people have no brain and work in a crap boring job they hate when they might be better off on the dole


I currently work part time (18.5 hours a week), and recieve £8.50 an hour. No doubt I'd be better off financially on the dole, but there are other benefits to working.


I don't begrudge the money that those on the dole get, like I'm supposed to. But I do get ****** off when all these tax dodgers escape paying their way and the press stay silent & Government sit on their hands.

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The problem these days is that being on the dole is seen as a lifestyle choice rather than something to be ashamed of.


It says everything about the benefits culture that Labour promoted that now we are seeing a long-awaited crackdown on scroungers and skivers that the left wing media are reporting it as an attack on people's rights. No-one has the right to free money for life just because they don't want to work.

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Nothing will ever be done about this until those working start to come under real hardship.


Only when the working majority start to actively vilify the workshy (and I mean physically) will anything change.


It has been shown by numerous studies that it is those that are dodging paying their fair share of tax that are causing more hardship to working people than those falsely claiming more benefit than they should.


Would you be as happy to vilify the tax dodgers as you would the workshy?

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It has been shown by numerous studies that it is those that are dodging paying their fair share of tax that are causing more hardship to working people than those falsely claiming more benefit than they should.


Would you be as happy to vilify the tax dodgers as you would the workshy?


I would and I know that the amount lost in tax avoidance is 3 or 4 times higher than that sponged by street rats. They are two sides of the same coin, parasites at the extreme ends of society.


Personally I'd like to see a government announce the end to all benefits in 5 years except for the disabled. If you are fit to work and mentally capable of working out when you can afford to have a baby then you should be responsible for your own life. I would say that non disabled people could apply for benefits but they would have to pass an interview with questions like:


"so Miss Smith you knew your job would not pay for you to have a child so why did you have one?"


and should end with


"you are over 18 and not mentally deficient therefore there is no reason to give you any money. You can live with your parents and your family will pay for your child".

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It has been shown by numerous studies that it is those that are dodging paying their fair share of tax that are causing more hardship to working people than those falsely claiming more benefit than they should.


Would you be as happy to vilify the tax dodgers as you would the workshy?

Of course.


But those studies deal with the financial side of things.


I think the damage done to society as a whole by benefit scroungers is worse.


An unemployed under-class creates a very visible problem that undermimes everyone.


And unless its tackled it will only get worse.

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There are upwards of a million people on incapacity benefit, and two and a half million claiming JSA ... and a documentary exposing one single case has convinced you that the majority of them are scroungers?


If even one tenth of one percent of the total were scroungers, the film makers should have been able to find a hundred cases without hardly blinking.


I don't believe the majority are scroungers no. I do believe that the definition of disabled in some people's minds is "I'm disabled from being able to do the job I want to do therefore I have no choice but to live on disability forever"


Why should a man of 21 with a functioning brain not work in an office? His not wanting to doesn't come into it.

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The car is there for him yes! To help look after him!! He goes to school on a bus as he probably goes to a school specially for autistic or special needs. They therefore normally pick the children up as they understand some parents have other children to get to school. Also how do you know they are not driving the car to get things for him? food? clothes? Go to appointments etc? I think you are being abit too judge mental as you do not know the full in's and outs. Also if you have a car on disability to my knowledge you lose so much of your benefits to pay for the car.


All parents have to fetch things for their children like food and clothing and take them to appointments. Very few of them get a car at a pittance.


Do working parents with disabled children get free cars and free insurance?

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I would and I know that the amount lost in tax avoidance is 3 or 4 times higher than that sponged by street rats.


How much tax do you pay, over and above what the law requires you to pay?



If the answer is "none," then you are guilty of tax avoidance just as much as anybody ever can be.

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