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Benefits crackdown

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Benefit payments should limited to the equivalent of 5% of the minimum wage based on a 40 hour week. Full rent and council tax should have to be paid out of this. This would force people to take ANY job.




Not everyone wants to get up out of bed and go to work.


Some of us enjoy making noise until 4am in the morning.


Come to think of it, its just gone past midnight, that means its time for me to wander around my home slamming doors for the next 4 hours.


Must go - I have this task to complete

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YES they do!, DLA is not just for people on benafits if you are working and have a disabled child you can claim DLA and exchange some or most of the benafit for a car :)


you only get a car if you get the higher rate of dla.:)

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Now it becomes clear, someone's playing dictionary smart arse. Cut it out wally, you know exactly what I and everyone else means.:loopy:


Frankly, I don't. The original comment on this thread was about the money lost to the government through tax avoidance, not through tax evasion. Tax avoidance is entirely legal, and consists of nothing more than reducing your liability to the minimum the law requires. I've never met anyone who does not do that.


Tax evasion, which is illegal, costs the country considerably less than benefit fraud.

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Frankly, I don't. The original comment on this thread was about the money lost to the government through tax avoidance, not through tax evasion. Tax avoidance is entirely legal, and consists of nothing more than reducing your liability to the minimum the law requires. I've never met anyone who does not do that.


Tax evasion, which is illegal, costs the country considerably less than benefit fraud.


A prime example would be if we were over assessed we'd be screaming Blue murder for a refund, unless of course you wish to avoid the refund and pay more than is your due.:hihi:

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I would and I know that the amount lost in tax avoidance is 3 or 4 times higher than that sponged by street rats. They are two sides of the same coin, parasites at the extreme ends of society.


Personally I'd like to see a government announce the end to all benefits in 5 years except for the disabled. If you are fit to work and mentally capable of working out when you can afford to have a baby then you should be responsible for your own life. I would say that non disabled people could apply for benefits but they would have to pass an interview with questions like:


"so Miss Smith you knew your job would not pay for you to have a child so why did you have one?"


and should end with


"you are over 18 and not mentally deficient therefore there is no reason to give you any money. You can live with your parents and your family will pay for your child".


What is mental deficiency and have you managed to find a cure yet?

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I believe the majority of disabled claimants are genuine. As for the rest I am doubtful. I certainly believe that the majority of benefit claimants do not do so in the spirit of the 1945 governments plan.


e.g. How many have kids and rely on the state? They should have none at all unless they can be paid for but think "well we'll muddle through with child benefit and tax credits". These are supposed to supplement one's own pay not be the backbone. As for those claiming to be unemployed, the sheer number of Europeans doing jobs proves the jobs were always there. Kevins would rather sit on the playstation while waiting for some well paid low brain job to pop up. Nobody's told them we are not an industrial nation anymore.


In short I believe the majority of benefit claimants use it as a lifestyle option as opposed to a temorary stopgap which is what it's supposed to be. Simple solution is vouchers. "But they're undigfnied". Well there's nothing undignified about being temporarily out of work is there?

Are you saying kids should be handed in when parents cant support them?

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An interesting idea and one that most people would not agree with. By your standards everybody is a tax avoider then so were all equal. No. Tax avoiders refers to those who hide their money offshore, give to charity to avoid tax, register their businesses e.g. private schools as charities AKA creative accountancy, pushing at the very limits of the law. Most people can't afford highly paid inventive accountants to go over their books. We mugs just pay what we're told to pay end of.


All people avoid paying some tax through the personal allowance.I do it by opting to work for fewer hours,earning less and avoiding some tax payments.Be dogmatic..if your facts are sound.

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Now it becomes clear, someone's playing dictionary smart arse. Cut it out wally, you know exactly what I and everyone else means.:loopy:


Yes Wally dont play being clever and take advantage of Mr Prime,or should I say Mr Populist.Its not fair as the lad is clearly struggling with these complex issues!

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All parents have to fetch things for their children like food and clothing and take them to appointments. Very few of them get a car at a pittance.


Do working parents with disabled children get free cars and free insurance?


I understand all parents have appointments to attend with their children and fetch things etc. But having a child with a disability makes this harder to do. Children who have austism often dont understand danger so things like crossing a road and looking both ways to make sure its clear doesn't enter their head as a danger!


I do not know if working parents get a car, but I presume there would be something like this available for them if needed. (not too sure on this though) so you might be right on that but my argument is that just because a child doesn't have a 'obvious' disability to some doesn't mean they have got one. People shouldn't judge people and instead try and understand the illness/disability first. I wonder how many people would cope or deal with some of these if they had too.


The car is to help parents with the child as it can already be hard enough for them.

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All parents have to fetch things for their children like food and clothing and take them to appointments. Very few of them get a car at a pittance.


Do working parents with disabled children get free cars and free insurance?

They can apply through the Family Fund to get a car and much else if they can demonstrate that a car would benefit the disabled child and they can't afford it otherwise. The Family Fund does great work for familes with disabled kids enabling them to have holidays and providing things that the whole family might miss out on otherwise. For example we work and our child is autistic and we couldn't afford driving lessons so the Fund has provided the funding for one of us to learn to drive. We will then have to wait for a certain amount of time before we are allowed to apply again for funding if we wanted something else.
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