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What would you confess to if water boarded 183 times?

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I see no mention of him admitting the theft of my alloys. Keep him in and round it off to 200.



On a more serious note, if it's proven that he's been tortured then surely the case will be thrown out. Or does the US accept evidence based on torture?


No case will go to trail!

Well come one some one has to take the blame for 9/11 don't they???

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You are on the wrong thread !

I never said ghadafi did not kill any one !


However west said nothing when up to 800 people were killed in Egypt

West say nothing to people being killed in Yemen

West does not remove it's support for dictators who are friendly to western policy!


Libya - we have almost ammediate response in form of bomb, sanctions , war crimes allegations , and covert speical forces sent in!


Unlike Egypt and Yemen the Arab League pressed the UN to mandate a no fly zone in Libya which meant intervention by NATO forces and BACKED by the Arab League

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New threat new rules


Torture is ok now as it is helping you to stay safe


How can you tell - given that torture is certain to extract a confession from anybody whether they're guilty or not?


And, which is more to the point - how can anyone claim to be "innocent lives" if they are part of a society that condones torture? Those are exactly the sort of regimes we try so hard to eliminate.

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Originally Posted by alrockman View Post

Interrogator “We know you have planted a bomb in a London school, where is it and when will it explode “

Terrorist “I’m not telling you “

“Go on please tInterrogator ell us because all those innocent children will die “

Terrorist “I’m not bothered “

Interrogator “If you don’t tell us we will stop your morning tea “

Terrorist “I don’t like your tea anyway “

Interrogator “come on show a little humanity and tells us where you put the bomb “

Terrorist “No “

Interrogator “OK then you can go and get your dinner we’ll talk again later “

Doesn’t quite work does it, if torturing 100 suspects only works once and saves innocent lives then it’s worth it.

Let me waterboard you 2 or 3 times and i bet i could get you to confess you wear your wifes underwear even if you don't have a wife


I’m sure you could, but I would absolutely condemn the use of torture to determine if someone wears their wife’s underwear. :)

If I planted a bomb in a school I’m also sure you could persuade me tell you were it is by using water boarding.

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If a child of mine were killed in a terrorist atrocity, I would not want someone innocent punished for it.


I don’t think anyone would but if your child was in a school and someone had planted a bomb in the school and informed the authorities that if anyone leaves the school the bomb be detonate. If the authorities had one of the suspects in custody would you condemn the use of torture to find the other suspects and find out how to deactivate the bomb?

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I don’t think anyone would but if your child was in a school and someone had planted a bomb in the school and informed the authorities that if anyone leaves the school the bomb be detonate. If the authorities had one of the suspects in custody would you condemn the use of torture to find the other suspects and find out how to deactivate the bomb?


Yeah, absolutely.

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I’m sure you could, but I would absolutely condemn the use of torture to determine if someone wears their wife’s underwear. :)

If I planted a bomb in a school I’m also sure you could persuade me tell you were it is by using water boarding.


If you HADN'T planted a bomb in a school I’m also sure I could persuade you tell me were it is by using water boarding, even though there is no bomb.

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I don’t think anyone would but if your child was in a school and someone had planted a bomb in the school and informed the authorities that if anyone leaves the school the bomb be detonate. If the authorities had one of the suspects in custody would you condemn the use of torture to find the other suspects and find out how to deactivate the bomb?


Yes I would condemn the use of torture.

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