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What would you confess to if water boarded 183 times?

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Why do you always have to talk about Muslims, you have a one track mind, not all terrorists are Muslims and not all Muslims are terrorists..


That's pretty easy to answer.

We hated the French right up to a few years a burnt lambs ago.

We were scared of the commies (Well, they were idiots) until the Soviet union broke up and no one seemed to realise China is (or maybe was) a communist country. That and no bugger has the slightest clue about North Korea, Laos and Vietnam along with no idea about the governments of Cyprus and Nepal. That means we need a new enemy.

The Irish have been responsible for way more terrorist attacks than anyone else in the UK (Or just England) but the peace deal was the crowing glory of the British government of the time so the ruddy Irish were sod all use as a hate/fear object.

The Indians were no use even though some wore silly hats and were all called Singh. Monty Python had precluded using them as hate objects years ago.

So the government needed a new enemy; someone strange and mysterious that the public knew sod all about.

Being clueless and unimaginative, the British government simply followed the American lead and many newspapers (read comics read by the stupid) were happy to follow.

"Up Your Delors" was way past it's sell by date and the rags could sniff a zillion new stories about how Muslims eat babies and were planning to bomb massively famous, but equally crappy, soap operas and there was no one to stop them printing whatever crap they fancied.

Creating hate was easy once fear of the unknown, rather strange, people who made all their women dress in dark black clothes was set into their headlines.


In other words, just for the terminally stupid, you've been set up boys and girls.

There are a few Muslim terrorists but they are exactly that. A few, not the rampaging hoards the Sun and other papers unworthy to be used as bog roll would have us all believe.


Thank you for reading. If you disagree, you are one of the brainless morons that keep papers like the Sun in business. They rely on bloody idiots to make their massive fortunes. :)

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This guy was really responsible for all these and he was still not considered a big enough threat to have the same kind of surveillance as osama et al had?

And 183 times for them to get the information? Surely he must have broken at some point at let it all out. Unless he broke at 183, told him everything they wanted to know and then they stopped. It doesn’t make sense. Why carry on if the guy is confessing? Was he doing some sort of ‘I did this but will only tell you more if you torture me a little more’ thing?

To show it doesn’t work there are many people who were water boarded, confessed to all sorts only for it to be proved they didn’t actually do anything then were released.



This sort of thing continues, together with the loss of civil liberties, increase in recruitment etc then the terrorists are winning the ‘war on terror’ hands down.


Once after you researched 9/11 for your self you will cone to the conclusion there is more evidance out there to implicate the US Goverment than any cave dwelling Arab !


Hence why even after 8 years of torture the trial will be behind closed doors !

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No sir it wasn't the post that you couldn't understand and called it an incoherent rant because it was convenient to do so perhaps, was a reply to this assertion posted by yourself


That’s an uncanny gift you have, being able to decide what another person can or cannot understand and without even seeing the person. Maybe you should work for the security forces because mindreading would certainly help in the fight against terrorists.



Again my reply was that if the guy feels his life is in danger due to people like you deciding he is a terrorist should he be prepared to defend himself with a pre emptive strike? Is that still not clear, the question is where do you draw the line at who has more right to protect themselves?


Fortunately I no longer have to make those decisions and I won’t condemn the acts of those that do until someone comes up with a better way of stopping terrorists, and as you still haven’t answered my question I imagine you don’t know a better way to stop a terrorist blowing a bus full of innocent people up.

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That’s an uncanny gift you have, being able to decide what another person can or cannot understand and without even seeing the person. Maybe you should work for the security forces because mindreading would certainly help in the fight against terrorists.





Fortunately I no longer have to make those decisions and I won’t condemn the acts of those that do until someone comes up with a better way of stopping terrorists, and as you still haven’t answered my question I imagine you don’t know a better way to stop a terrorist blowing a bus full of innocent people up.

The style is so familiar of going on about not answering your question that you haven't asked. You can change your username to whatever you want but can't hide the childish bickering style. You didn't ask any questions and the replies on a discussion board are part of an ongoing discusion and not a question and answer session. So no more wasting time on your school yard na na na naaanas, so there:hihi:
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The style is so familiar of going on about not answering your question that you haven't asked. You can change your username to whatever you want but can't hide the childish bickering style. You didn't ask any questions and the replies on a discussion board are part of an ongoing discusion and not a question and answer session. So no more wasting time on your school yard na na na naaanas, so there:hihi:


I see talking to you is pointless.


This is the posts you responded to by picking fault with it.


That’s the purpose of terrorism, every one becomes a suspect and mistakes happen.


What’s the difference between a terrorist and an innocent civilian?


A terrorist looks like a civilian.


That is a similarity and not a difference, so is your own prejudiced suspicion enough to shoot/ arrest/kill someone? Should the offence be one of being in public looking like a Muslim?




So I re-worded it just for you.


Why do you always have to talk about Muslims, you have a one track mind, not all terrorists are Muslims and not all Muslims are terrorists.


I suppose I could have worded the question better,


How can the security forces tell the difference between a terrorist and a civilian?


The problem with stopping a terrorist is that they may not have broken a law until they kill a bus full of people, and if you have information that they are going to do it, they have to be stopped. If the person you suspect is on the bus and you think he is about to detonate a bomb. Do you shoot him or wait to see what happens. If nothing happens he walks away if he detonates the bomb a bus full of people are dead. I’d shoot him and worry about the consequences after.


The red part is the question, you responded with this gibberish


That is the point though, if you the capacity of mind to know the difference I may be inclined to agree with you but it is a big enough IF to suggest most of those making such noises are ill equipped to judge and would be using their prejudices to make their decision. Can you give us a hint what qualifies you to decide who is a terrorist and what would you base your judgement on?

Turn that argument on it's head then so should a Muslim guy with a beard be carrying an automatic weapon for protection so that he can shoot the rather prejudiced fellow first just in case he is about to shoot him for looking like what the prejudiced chap of low intelligence decides what a terrorist should look like? Of course and ask questions later, surely self preservation is the name of the game?

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I see talking to you is pointless.


This is the posts you responded to by picking fault with it.








So I re-worded it just for you.




The red part is the question, you responded with this gibberish

You really are taking the p*ss now, you said I said is so tiresome, especially when you admit you could have worded the question better. Earlier I said to you this is a discussion forum. I responded to your post where you asked a question and answered it yourself and the question was "How can you tell the difference between civilian and a terrorist." Then YOU answered it yourself by this "a terrorist looks like a civilian" Are you with me so far?

My response was to your own little question and your answer to it and not a quetion put to me or anyone else for that matter and this was it

That is a similarity and not a difference, so is your own prejudiced suspicion enough to shoot/ arrest/kill someone? Should the offence be one of being in public looking like a Muslim?
Just because you then decide to move the goal posts and decide I should have answered a question about security forces that you didn't ask is not my problem but your own delusion. Now stop this ridiculous time wasting of bickering like a washer woman and get on with a civil discussion.
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You really are taking the p*ss now, you said I said is so tiresome, especially when you admit you could have worded the question better. Earlier I said to you this is a discussion forum. I responded to your post where you asked a question and answered it yourself and the question was "How can you tell the difference between civilian and a terrorist." Then YOU answered it yourself by this "a terrorist looks like a civilian" Are you with me so far?

My response was to your own little question and your answer to it and not a quetion put to me or anyone else for that matter and this was itJust because you then decide to move the goal posts and decide I should have answered a question about security forces that you didn't ask is not my problem but your own delusion. Now stop this ridiculous time wasting of bickering like a washer woman and get on with a civil discussion.


More gibberish :loopy::loopy:

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