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Bad experience at Yankees


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Been going there fairly regularly since it opened in, I think, 1979.


I'd say we've had a handful of duff meals in that time; most often the food's been very good and the service as good as one could hope for.


As for the idea that we might consider Yankees a bona fide American Diner, don't worry. Would I consider an O'Neill's pub to be a true reflection of the real deal in Dublin? No.

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If you bring this rare occurence to the attention of the owners, Micky Freeman junior and senior they will more than go out of their way to rectify the situation as they are both respectable and fair minded business men of good calibre, they wouldn't want you upset and i will also mention it to them or him...

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It's a shame you had such a bad experience at Yankees because it is actually a really nice place.


I used to work there so to shed some light on your experience - it's for health and safety reasons that the relish trays cant be left on the tables for too long, kids try dipping their food into the sauces and putting their fingers in them etc. so health and safety policy requires that the sauces are not left on tables for more time than necessary. I'm sure there was enough time to get what sauces you wanted.


I think it's acceptable that she took your meal off the bill if you were not pleased and didn't eat it but why should they take everything else off? It's a business at the end of the day not a free for all. I think it's unreasonable to expect to get everything for free because ONE of the meals was displeasing... I don't think there are many restaurants who would do that. Some wouldn't even knock it off I'm sure!


kids eating the sauce and dipping food................into dips thank god we have health and safety to stop this sort of threat to human life :loopy:

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It's a shame you had such a bad experience at Yankees because it is actually a really nice place.


I used to work there so to shed some light on your experience - it's for health and safety reasons that the relish trays cant be left on the tables for too long, kids try dipping their food into the sauces and putting their fingers in them etc. so health and safety policy requires that the sauces are not left on tables for more time than necessary. I'm sure there was enough time to get what sauces you wanted.


I think it's acceptable that she took your meal off the bill if you were not pleased and didn't eat it but why should they take everything else off? It's a business at the end of the day not a free for all. I think it's unreasonable to expect to get everything for free because ONE of the meals was displeasing... I don't think there are many restaurants who would do that. Some wouldn't even knock it off I'm sure!


just wondering then if you say health and saftey over dipping food in sauces you must be sharing the same bowls of it round the resturant? now that would most certainly be a problem..... with the resturant, surely sauce in bowls should be for that particular set of diners on a table only, each one being cleaned after the diners have finished and left and fresh brought to the next ones to be occupying it?

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just wondering then if you say health and saftey over dipping food in sauces you must be sharing the same bowls of it round the resturant? now that would most certainly be a problem..... with the resturant, surely sauce in bowls should be for that particular set of diners on a table only, each one being cleaned after the diners have finished and left and fresh brought to the next ones to be occupying it?


No it doesn't work like that, we all share the same tray of sauces , that's why they don't stay on the table for long. What's wrong with that :confused:

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No it doesn't work like that, we all share the same tray of sauces , that's why they don't stay on the table for long. What's wrong with that :confused:


because its disgusting i dont want some scabby sauce the guy next to me just used who may have not washed his hands or been sat out in the open all day uuuurrrrggggghhhhhh :gag:

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No it doesn't work like that, we all share the same tray of sauces , that's why they don't stay on the table for long. What's wrong with that :confused:




because its disgusting i dont want some scabby sauce the guy next to me just used who may have not washed his hands or been sat out in the open all day uuuurrrrggggghhhhhh :gag:


what they said


if its being shared round the resturant then bottle/packets it is, if its a bowl, its for dipping and its mine only

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From what I've recently seen the dipping sauces came individually attatched to the gadget that holds the sliders (mini burgers) & fries, they were served in a cone shape wrapp placed in another metal cone with attatched dipping sauces attached around the metal cone, you would have to swipe someone whole metal cone to get to someones elses sauce ..hard to explain, the metal cone and dipping sauce cups were all one piece, in fact last night was the first time I'd ever seen anything served like that when I took my 3 neices out to eat at "their favorite place " I was quite impressed how they were served...to add, I've never see three skinny kids eat so much, 6 of us were able to fit in one small booth :hihi:

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From what I've recently seen the dipping sauces came individually attatched to the gadget that holds the sliders (mini burgers) & fries, they were served in a cone shape wrapp placed in another metal cone with attatched dipping sauces attached around the metal cone, you would have to swipe someone whole metal cone to get to someones elses sauce ..hard to explain, the metal cone and dipping sauce cups were all one piece, in fact last night was the first time I'd ever seen anything served like that when I took my 3 neices out to eat at "their favorite place " I was quite impressed how they were served...to add, I've never see three skinny kids eat so much, 6 of us were able to fit in one small booth :hihi:


the death of the english language lol :hihi:

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