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Jewish plot to kill Churchill

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Yes he is no hero just an over hyped fat dude.


Since you seem to be something of an expert on the shortcomings of Winston perhaps you'd care to share your opinion on which other senior government minister in 1940 could have rallied and inspired the nation to continue the fight against Hitler at a time when Britain's situation seemed hopeless.


Has it occurred to you that had someone like Atlee been PM the possibility that he might have signed a peace accord with Hitler instead. That would have of course changed history considerably. No D-Day, no liberating Allied armies to free all the Jews in the camps. Perhaps eventually Hitler putting pressure on a puppet British government to ship British Jews to concentratuion camps also.


Churchill had his faults, we all know that but Europe was fortunate to have him at a time of it's greatest peril. Dont knock him without being able to see the big picture

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Lets be honest if it wasnt for the rise Of Adolf Hitler Churchill would have simply been a irelevant backbencher.

And he was a drunk lets not forget that either,BUT he was the right man for the time in saving this country.

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Lets be honest if it wasnt for the rise Of Adolf Hitler Churchill would have simply been a irelevant backbencher.

And he was a drunk lets not forget that either,BUT he was the right man for the time in saving this country.


For once steiney I kinda agree with you.

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Yes I do I am entitled to my beliefs.


Why dont you elaborate on your beliefs? Simple one line statements dont do it on a discussion forum.


As for my part I'll go a bit further. If Churchill had not been the right man at the right time and instead Britain had signed a surrender or peace accord with Hitler the state of Israel would never have come into being since British administration of Palestine would have ceased to exist at the time of Britains surrender and the exodus of Jews from Europe also never come about and they would all have perished instead.

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you guys obviously admire the guy, for reasons you have expressed, and that makes it 'ok' to overlook his failings. it doesn't for some, as his failings are too large to be overshadowed by his 'achievements'.


personally i think his biggest strength really was just oratory. pretty much everything else 'his strengths' are run of the mill for political types. he just happened to be there at the right time.

and to assume that anyone else would have signed a treaty with Hitler is mistaken. and the nation would have stood with whoever was in charge at the time. Churchill didn't really 'inspire' people to fight, carry on fighting or fight harder. the people did that themselves, like they've always done.

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