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Jewish plot to kill Churchill

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Wow **** on me !


That can't be true !!


Are these links for real ? Were did you first here about this ?


I just want people to know the truth,its out there if you look hard enough,the problem is the people have been fooled by the lies and deceit.

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I would encourage anyone who likes a good documentary to watch "Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr."


Easily downloadable from the usual sources, it's about an unassuming American 'execution technician' who becomes a holocaust denier. Like all Errol Morris documentaries it is absolutely brilliant. He doesn't out-rightly condemn Mr Leuchter, but lets his us see him for who he is by his words and actions.




The movie-documentary gets a whopping 100% rating on the Rottentomatoes site.

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it's a pity really, because nobody ever said Israel is perfect and that its government hasn't made mistakes. Clearly they have. It is very possible to criticize Israel and present the Arab case without being antisemitic. Unfortunately, people that want to do that on internet forums hesitate to do so, because it looks like they're making common cause with these name-calling confused infants/nuts that for reasons best known to themselves start frothing at the mouth whenever anything remotely connected to the Joos comes up.

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it's a pity really, because nobody ever said Israel is perfect and that its government hasn't made mistakes. Clearly they have. It is very possible to criticize Israel and present the Arab case without being antisemitic. Unfortunately, people that want to do that on internet forums hesitate to do so, because it looks like they're making common cause with these name-calling confused infants/nuts that for reasons best known to themselves start frothing at the mouth whenever anything remotely connected to the Joos comes up.


I think you're wrong. It's perfectly possible to like Jews, but dislike Israel, which is my own stance.

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considering how diverse both the Jewish people and by extension Israel itself is - though it's important to remember over 20% of Israelis are Arabs - it seems silly to 'dislike' it. What you may not like are particular specific actions of the Israeli government.


I like Syria and the Syrian people. I visited there and enjoyed it, as a tourist. I'd recommend others go there like I did. What I don't like is what the Syrian government usually does. See the difference?

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Wrong,I suggest you read up on the matter and dont fall for the lies put out.








The separation of East Prussia from the rest of Germany and the creation of what was dubbed the "Polish corridor" was a reason for the start of WW2. After the annexation of Austria and the German speaking Czech Sudetenland the eliminination of the Polish corridor and the rest of Poland with it was something that Hitler had sworn to do.

He also needed the Polish territory from which to launch his long planned invasion of Russia.

Those are the plain facts for the start of WW2. The Jews had nothing to do with it although they were involved to a certain extent in the Russian revolution twenty-one years earlier

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