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Jewish plot to kill Churchill

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Why do bring in arafat - palastinians and the arabs in to this discussion ??

the OP was about a jewish plot to kill churchill ??


a harebrained Lehi plot, or idea, that never got off the ground. They were never going to get to the UK and put the plan into action.


not just that PLO plot, which actually DID manage to murder somebody, the cartoonist that drew an unflattering picture about Arafat and Arafat's cronies, on London's streets in 1987, I could point you to several other Arab plots that did the same. It's not like that is the only time it ever happened. Gunmen were ordered from the Middle East to kill somebody, usually some other Arab, in the UK more than once.


and yet, you only seem to be bothered about these so-called' Jewish' plans, that never got off the ground. Why is this?


Also, Russian and Bulgarian, and that's just off the top of my head. These assassinations were ordered from overseas, and actually carried out in Britain. Why don't you try and dig out some actual, physical case where the Mossad, like the PLO, KGB, or Bulgarian secret service, have actually killed anyone in Britain?


the OP was inflammatory, to say the least, but, besides the obvious bias, can you see why Mossad will go down in history in the breath as KGB, C10 etc because of the way they've done things in the past, and, with the latest case in, was it Saudi Arabia, and now?

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It goes without saying that a government and its people are two different things. I wouldn't want to be judged on the actions of the British government.


Although 20% of Israelis are Arabs (I'll assume your statement to be fact), 100% of Jews have the right to Israeli citizenship if they choose to move there.


O% of Arabs from other countries are allowed Israeli citizenship.


No wonder Zionism is seen as racism. The concept of Israel relies on the racial purity of the Jews who have a book they believe in that says they are the chosen people.


this is a fair point.

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oh dear god not that one again. Many countries in the world have jus sanguinis citizenship requirements, and where a particular ethnic group is favoured other another one. Last time I looked, there was about sixty, of which Israel is only one.


what you're doing, yet again, is singling Israel out.


true, true. and i don't necessarily agree with singling Israel as the only one. can you see why it's the most IMPORTANT one, though?

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oh dear god not that one again. Many countries in the world have jus sanguinis citizenship requirements, and where a particular ethnic group is favoured other another one. Last time I looked, there was about sixty, of which Israel is only one.


what you're doing, yet again, is singling Israel out.


I'm presuming this was a reply to my post above.


Maybe I shouldn't single Israel out. There are probably other countries that I don't know about who also think they are the chosen people and exclude those who don't fulfil that criterion.


But it's still wrong.

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true, true. and i don't necessarily agree with singling Israel as the only one. can you see why it's the most IMPORTANT one, though?


it's only important, if you want, for whatever reason, to single out Israel and the Jews and basically forget about and ignore all the other ones that do the same.

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it's only important, if you want, for whatever reason, to single out Israel and the Jews and basically forget about and ignore all the other ones that do the same.


no, no no, C. like i said in the post you might be reading now, the insistence of Israel of 'blood' over 'birth right' is much more pronounced as to make the other countries-most of which allow both- to be insignificant.

i hope you don't see this as an attack-it's not-because it really is an attempt to try to understand and express an opinion.

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you just don't get it. Though it definitely is difficult for them and it's getting more difficult now Israel has passed 7 million inhabitants, it's the size of Wales, and 25% of it is desert, Arabs can get to be Israeli citizens, and plenty have. In the future, Arabs will apply for Israeli citizenship, and get it. Maybe not as many as before, but they will.


try looking at Jordan's citizenship laws. The law specifically says citizenship is open to 'anybody who is not Jewish'. I don't know what nationality or ethnic group you are, How the hell would you feel, if some country specifically excluded you?

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you just don't get it. Though it definitely is difficult for them and it's getting more difficult now Israel has passed 7 million inhabitants, it's the size of Wales, and 25% of it is desert, Arabs can get to be Israeli citizens, and plenty have. In the future, Arabs will apply for Israeli citizenship, and get it. Maybe not as many as before, but they will.


try looking at Jordan's citizenship laws. The law specifically says citizenship is open to 'anybody who is not Jewish'. I don't know what nationality or ethnic group you are, How the hell would you feel, if some country specifically excluded you?


I'm guessing that was aimed at me. no, i don't get it, you're right. the idea of someone having 'automatic citizenship' coz of 'blood' is just as strange to me as not having citizenship coz you're form a specific place. it seems churlishly vindictive and necessarily protectionist. but I'm not in that situation so, maybe my views are not as 'sharp'.

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