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Foreign crime wave!

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Originally Posted by Halibut

Have a look at the Home Affairs Select Committee (2007) report, Young Black People in the Criminal Justice System.


According to them -


Black young people are generally over-represented in the youth justice system particularly in custody. Black young people constitute 2.7% of the 10 – 17 year old population, but represent 8.5% of those at that age group arrested in England and Wales.


The 2.7% and 8.5% figures just show what the original poster says is true when saying crime commited by the ethnic minority groups is well over their proportionate percentage of the population.

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So you don't like 'foreigners'?


Why don't you just say so and save all the links and statistics.


Because that would show up his clear idiotic racism and the far right parties are very careful to never actually say such things in public because they know everyone would realise they are exactly the same as the German Nazi party of not that many years ago.


We all know how much good that bunch of Cretins did for Germany and this lot of idiots want to "Save" the UK in exactly the same way.


Their stupidity is astounding. :loopy:

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Because that would show up his clear idiotic racism and the far right parties are very careful to never actually say such things in public because they know everyone would realise they are exactly the same as the German Nazi party of not that many years ago.


We all know how much good that bunch of Cretins did for Germany and this lot of idiots want to "Save" the UK in exactly the same way.


Their stupidity is astounding. :loopy:


I already replied before to your infantile assertions of racism and xenophobia previously on this thread which were removed because you and Gleadlessgrl introduced needless bickering and personal attacks.


I am not racist nor xenophobic. The fact is you will not find anything to show me as either. You will find that I always make my argument in a non-racist, non-derogatory manner. But of course, anybody can cry racism, it's easy isn't it, and you obviously do it with ease. It's just a poor attempt to shut down debate, as always when you have nothing more to add to the debate.

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I already replied before to your infantile assertions of racism and xenophobia previously on this thread which were removed because you and Gleadlessgrl introduced needless bickering and personal attacks..


I love a "Proud right winger" who is so proud of his politics, he feels he has to hide them.


Would you be kind enough to clarify your position on racial issues and, if banning the wearing of full face coverings is purely a social issue to you, please be kind enough to condemn BNP and ELD creatures that use face masks on their violent demos. :)

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I love a "Proud right winger" who is so proud of his politics, he feels he has to hide them.


So you are making assumptions about me based on things that I don't say? Do you know how daft that makes you sound? Obviously you have made your own mind up about me based on things that I have said, but put two and two together to get five. I think you will find that I put my views forward on this forum, regardless of them being controversial or how I think they will be percieved, so the notion that I am some how holding back is rather laughable.

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So do as I suggest and condemn the EDL/BNP pigs. That'll help your assertion you're not a racist idiot.


Might I suggest you condemn paedophiles to prove you are not a paedophile yourself?


Please also confirm that you condemn the slaying of a family in Itamar a couple of weeks back in order to prove you are not an idiot who sympathises with murderers?


I suggest you condemn the blowing up of schoolgirls in Afghanistan to prove you are not a misogynist?


Please also condemn the use of "Garlic munchers" as a deratory phrase for the French which will help your claim that you are not a xenophobic twit.


And please condemn and refrain from the use of the term "Wog" which I have seen you use on occasion as well as other racially deragatory terms, to show that you are not a brainless racist?

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