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Foreign crime wave!

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Might I suggest you condemn paedophiles to prove you are not a paedophile yourself?


You may indeed.

That bunch of kiddie fiddling basket cases need their goolies chopping off after a suitable time being hung by them.

Your turn.


Please also confirm that you condemn the slaying of a family in Itamar a couple of weeks back in order to prove you are not an idiot who sympathises with murderers?


I'm unfamiliar with the case but, assuming it's as you say, murder is clearly wrong and should be condemned.

Your turn.


I suggest you condemn the blowing up of schoolgirls in Afghanistan to prove you are not a misogynist?


Happy to. Them and the sadistic dogs who tossed acid into kids faces along with anyone else who hurts kids.

Your turn


Please also condemn the use of "Garlic munchers" as a deratory phrase for the French which will help your claim that you are not a xenophobic twit.


Difficult one. Garlic munching xenophobic idiots are a special case. :hihi:


And please condemn and refrain from the use of the term "Wog" which I have seen you use on occasion as well as other racially deragatory terms, to show that you are not a brainless racist?


My posts show I'm far from racist and any use I make of words is simply to translate your crap into English.


I see your avoiding any attempt to condemn racism by trying to divert the question.

Perhaps cowardly racist may work better than simply racist.

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Why do some posters have to stoop to name calling and insults?


Ever heard of the expression "attack the post, not the poster"?


My politics are open for anyone to see.

I don't have to or feel the need to hide what I really mean.

He does and thus this definition applies.


coward [ˈkaʊəd]


a person who shrinks from or avoids danger, pain, or difficulty


He point blank refuses to admit his own beliefs in public thus avoiding difficulty.


He, and other racist posters, are aware their politics are distasteful at best and know they'd be slammed down if they admit they want roughly the same as the old German Nazi party but are simply using a new target.


I'm not attacking the poster as such, just his politics and cowardly refusal to admit them.

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My perception of crime is, when I hear of a knife or gun crime I think, Black and Asian gang


I think that this says more about you prejudices rather than anything else.


Glasgow is known by the unfortunate title as the"murder capital of Europe" and the "stab capital of Europe", with the vast majority of knife crime carried out by white youths.

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when I hear of a knife or gun crime I think, Black and Asian gang,


You've been reading far too much of the daily hate Mail. :loopy:


I'm amazed people still believe the rags after they've been nabbed for telling porkies so many times.

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My posts show I'm far from racist and any use I make of words is simply to translate your crap into English.


I see your avoiding any attempt to condemn racism by trying to divert the question.

Perhaps cowardly racist may work better than simply racist.


You are a desperate person upinwath. Thank you for the answers but the point of it must have gone over your head. It is silly to assume somebody condones something simply for not condmning something that any sane right minded person would disagree with and condemn anyway.


If you are asserting that I am racist, then the onis is on you to prove your assertion, not for me to prove my innocence of the charge. You have been unable to do this, and will continue to be unable to do his, the reason being that I am not racist (read this as confirmation that I am not racist) and do not post things on racist terms, nor are my views formed from such attitudes.


The fact that you feel the need to "translate" other peoples posts into deratorory racist language where it was previously absent and misrepresent reasoned argument as racist irrationality rather proves the point.


Of course I condemn racism, what sort of idiot other than racist ones themselves would not?


You have made a severe misjudgement on this thread my friend, may I suggest a better description for you is idiot like buffoon?

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My politics are open for anyone to see.

I don't have to or feel the need to hide what I really mean.

He does and thus this definition applies.




He point blank refuses to admit his own beliefs in public thus avoiding difficulty.


He, and other racist posters, are aware their politics are distasteful at best and know they'd be slammed down if they admit they want roughly the same as the old German Nazi party but are simply using a new target.


I'm not attacking the poster as such, just his politics and cowardly refusal to admit them.


How ridiculous. Why would I admit to something I am not and don't believe in? I suppose you're the type that thinks forced confessions are a good idea. As I have stated previously, I don't hold back on my views, I call it as I see it, my posts are evidence enough of that. My politics are as open to see as yours are, it's even in my signature. If you read right wing as far right, that is your problem, not mine. Being right wing no more equals being far right than being left wing equals being a Communist.

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I think that this says more about you prejudices rather than anything else.


Glasgow is known by the unfortunate title as the"murder capital of Europe" and the "stab capital of Europe", with the vast majority of knife crime carried out by white youths.

As an expat Scotsman may I say that I condemn the criminal scum in Glasgow. Does that make me prejudice against my own people? My prejudice is against criminals only.Most times when I here about knife and gun crime it is by or against Blacks or Asians. Sorry but that is a fact.

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So do as I suggest and condemn the EDL/BNP pigs. That'll help your assertion you're not a racist idiot.

Why don't you tone down the content of your responses, your content and the phrasing make you look a bit of a loud mouth.

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As an expat Scotsman may I say that I condemn the criminal scum in Glasgow. Does that make me prejudice against my own people? My prejudice is against criminals only.Most times when I here about knife and gun crime it is by or against Blacks or Asians. Sorry but that is a fact.


Fine, that only suggests that you only "hear" the crimes committed by Blacks or Asians and ignore the crimes committed by white people. Remember that the facts show that the part of the UK which has the lowest ethnic minority also has historically had by far the highest murder rate.


In 2005 the world health authority found that Scotland's homicide rate is 2.33 deaths for every 100,000 people each year, compared with 0.7 in England and Wales. When the report was undertaken there was 70 killings a year in Glasgow, per head of the population this much higher than London.


Things have improved recently but the rate of killings was still 60 per cent higher north of the Border last year in 2010, but maybe we should stop Scottish people moving to England just to be safe eh?

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