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Foreign crime wave!

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I wonder.


Foreign crime wave!

British Miss Universe contestant gets abuse and death threats

Should we give aid to countries that persecute minorities?

Forced marriages and honor violence at record high, says South Wales Police

Inconvenient Truth - Labour covered up Immigration Reports

Interfaith Harmony Week - Indonesia stylee

Homophobia: 5 charged with calling for execution of gays

Taliban imposter steals $100,000+

BBC Panorama 22/11/10 - Muslims kids getting hate lessons in UK

Government pays compensation to ex-Guantanamo inmates

Pakistan cricket player wants Asylum in UK

This country a joke; Abu Hamza wins passport appeal

Geert Wilders Trial collapses: retrail ordered

Americans help woman whose Taliban husband cut of her nose and ears


And so on ad infinitum


Seems to me like you have issues when I see your posting record. Why not simply admit your politics as your posting record does?


I did manage to find a youtube video showing your party's finest member explaining why Muslims are so crap. Was it you?


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I am not racist nor xenophobic.

Well, if that's true you must be rather unintelligent otherwise you would realise that starting a thread such as this on a forum where there are racists present (they all claim otherwise of course) achieves very little other than to stir up feelings of resentment towards people from immigrant communities in an indiscriminate way, also affecting the majority who have done nothing wrong. :|


I am not racist nor xenophobic.

You will find that I always make my argument in a non-racist, non-derogatory manner.

Well, we mustn't forget that the other way could result in a ban from the forum.


But of course, anybody can cry racism, it's easy isn't it, and you obviously do it with ease. It's just a poor attempt to shut down debate, as always when you have nothing more to add to the debate.

Yes, it's easy. No, it doesn't shut down debate. When people here are accused of it, reading back over their words, it's often clear that the cap fits perfectly well.

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Well, if that's true you must be rather unintelligent otherwise you would realise that starting a thread such as this on a forum where there are racists present (they all claim otherwise of course) achieves very little other than to stir up feelings of resentment towards people from immigrant communities in an indiscriminate way, also affecting the majority who have done nothing wrong. :|


I cannot be responsible for the response of other forummers.


Well, we mustn't forget that the other way could result in a ban from the forum.

It certainly could. That is not evidence that I would otherwise. Assuming people are one thing or another based on what is absent from their posts in nonsensical. I could just as easily accuse you of racism, because I assert without any evidence that you really are racist and want to post racist things, but as yet hasn't.



Yes, it's easy. No, it doesn't shut down debate. When people here are accused of it, reading back over their words, it's often clear that the cap fits perfectly well.


It does shut down debate. This is proof. Instead of discussing how 27,000 non-British nationals are convicted of crime in the UK and the resources this takes up and the costs to us and what should be done about it, we're discussing the merits of somebody's percieved racism without any evidence.

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You've been reading far too much of the daily hate Mail. :loopy:


I'm amazed people still believe the rags after they've been nabbed for telling porkies so many times.

I am not a right winger. quite the opposite, but I do not try to defend the indefensible. I read most of the papers on line I watch ITV, BBC, Sky news and the Middle East news channels I believe I am quite well informed and normally have a left wing socialist opinion. but on this subject I am adamant that we have got it wrong. I am talking about criminals here and believe that soft treatment of wrongdoing encourages more No amount of hysterical name calling and insults will change the facts.

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I wonder.


Foreign crime wave!

British Miss Universe contestant gets abuse and death threats

Should we give aid to countries that persecute minorities?

Forced marriages and honor violence at record high, says South Wales Police

Inconvenient Truth - Labour covered up Immigration Reports

Interfaith Harmony Week - Indonesia stylee

Homophobia: 5 charged with calling for execution of gays

Taliban imposter steals $100,000+

BBC Panorama 22/11/10 - Muslims kids getting hate lessons in UK

Government pays compensation to ex-Guantanamo inmates

Pakistan cricket player wants Asylum in UK

This country a joke; Abu Hamza wins passport appeal

Geert Wilders Trial collapses: retrail ordered

Americans help woman whose Taliban husband cut of her nose and ears


And so on ad infinitum


Seems to me like you have issues when I see your posting record. Why not simply admit your politics as your posting record does?


I did manage to find a youtube video showing your party's finest member explaining why Muslims are so crap. Was it you?



Anybody can look at my the list of threads I have started. I have started 163 threads. A handful relate to immigration, asylum, foreign relations etc. Why have you not posted the rest f the 163 threads that are not related to subjects that you wrongly perceive as being racist just for raising the issue at all? This perfectly illustarates why the cry of racism shuts down debate. Apparently I should not have started those threads, because to raise those issues is to be branded "racist".


You will not find a shred of racism from me in any of the threads I have started or otherwise, and I can argue the merits of any of the threads you have listed above, but to do so would simply take this thread further off topic and only indulge your obsessive character assassination.

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. . . .. starting a thread such as this on a forum where there are racists present (they all claim otherwise of course) achieves very little other than to stir up feelings of resentment towards people from immigrant communities in an indiscriminate way, also affecting the majority who have done nothing wrong.
So should we all ignore the problems that we have with high criminality levels among immigrant groups, because not all immigrants are criminals?


Should we be restricted in our ability to express concern over any other crime problems, because not everybody is a criminal?

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I cannot be responsible for the response of other forummers.

Of course not but there is such a thing as stirring the pot.


It does shut down debate. This is proof.

Don't be silly. This is a diversion, not closure. If anyone feels they have more to write I'm sure we'll see their contributions after this post.



So should we all ignore the problems that we have with high criminality levels among immigrant groups, because not all immigrants are criminals?

I don't think we should ignore what is going on in society. The problem is criminality, period, regardless of who is perpetrating it. The problem is not foreign nationals, it is that amongst the people coming here, some of the wrong ones are getting through and they are adding to an existing problem.


The problem is not going to be solved by this thread. This thread, sensationally called "Foreign crime wave!", complete with exclamation mark, serves to associate only immigrants with criminality and provide fuel for those who want to push such an agenda.


Should we be restricted in our ability to express concern over any other crime problems, because not everybody is a criminal?

There are very few restrictions on our expression here as I'm sure you'll have noticed.

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Fine, that only suggests that you only "hear" the crimes committed by Blacks or Asians and ignore the crimes committed by white people. Remember that the facts show that the part of the UK which has the lowest ethnic minority also has historically had by far the highest murder rate.


In 2005 the world health authority found that Scotland's homicide rate is 2.33 deaths for every 100,000 people each year, compared with 0.7 in England and Wales. When the report was undertaken there was 70 killings a year in Glasgow, per head of the population this much higher than London.


Things have improved recently but the rate of killings was still 60 per cent higher north of the Border last year in 2010, but maybe we should stop Scottish people moving to England just to be safe eh?


Is your last paragraph Irony, Sarcasm or just tongue in cheek.

Nobody in this thread is advocating stopping people from any particular country coming here. the argument is about criminals.

If Scotland was not part of Britain nobody could argue about send criminals back there while advocating repatriation of other foreign criminals. As it is it just strengthens my argument that we have enough of our own criminals

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I wonder if it might not be more sensible, long term if we just turned england over into some kind fo prison island. the whole world could dump it's unwanted villains here for a handsome fee, providing a living for our brave ex-patriots and an end to the interminable argument over whether foreigners are less law abiding than their british counterparts.

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