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Complaint about British gas

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Hi there


I would just like to let anyone who is thinking of doing business with British Gas for their business in Sheffield, or anywhere else to be honest, not to!


I set up my business in July 2009 and having found British gas to be the cheapest, I set up my business electric account with them (No gas on premises).

I was entered into a 1 year contract. Cheapest rates, 1 year contract- great.


The following year in July I went on a comparison website and Eon were the cheapest, so I asked Eon to switch me over.

I was informed I could not be switched over as I had been rolled over into another years contract with British gas onto the following rates:

from 9.38 pence kw to 14.87 pence kw

from 0.00 pence daily standing charge to 0.68 pence daily standing charge


This is called the ''Rollover trap''. You got me there British Gas, been a new business, sole trader, I didn't know I had to give you 3 months notice that I had to change!


So, here I am, a year on, getting all excited because I can finally tell British Gas where to go- on the ball ready to give my notice with in my 90 day notification period.

Not the case! British Gas are now telling me I was rolled over for 2 years, not 1.

As you can imagine I am starting to think that British gas are making it up as they go along. I will also mention that I have never received a copy of my contract, or any renewal letters, which British Gas insist they have sent. I find it amazing how all the bills find thier way here, but none of the good stuff does!


After arguing and arguing I felt defeated to the fact that I was in this disgusting tarrif with this disgusting company till 2012, until today, when a nice chap from FSB informed me they legally can only have rolled me over for 1 year because I am a micro business and I fall under the correct criteria and regulations. I researched it more on offgem and finding it to be true called British Gas to say Bon Voyage!


British Gas still refuse to let me go as I didn't ''inform'' them I was a micro business. I said I can provide proof that I am, and they said it doesn't matter.

Er, yes, it does matter! How about all the times I have phoned apologizing my bill is over due because I can't afford your horrific rates- that I'm a new small business sole trader- That's me informing you that I am a micro business!


I HATE British Gas, I think they prey on small business's, and I wanted to warn people, so you can spend your hard earned money on better things.


PLEASE NOTE: If anyone sends me a reply and you work for British Gas, and you try to defend them, be prepared.

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I dont like British gas either, i had a district heating system in my first flat, but still received quarterly gas bills from british gas for over £300 despite having no gas supply to my home, the contact staff dont listen, you can't get through to them.

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I hear you, I hate ringing because I always get through to someone who half the time doesn't speak queens english and doesn't know electric from gas! They really are terrible I can't believe they are forcing me to stay with them for yet another mind numbing year

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Another one for me i dont like tham as a gas supplier or for there repairs i visited a customer today to sort her taps out on the bath. see told be that british gas had been out the previouse year to fit her to very small radiators a job that i would charge no more than £150.00 the charged her £900.00 and the fit was very poor and also now putting to much strain and the small boiler which see was no advised about they just tock there money and ran.

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your lucky you got a bill out of brtish gas , i looked after a business that used a substantial amount of gas ,we were on contract and had alledegedly our own dedicated manager . for two years i kept getting a bill for 50p per month based on estimated reading . this was despite having the meters read every month .according to our dedicated manager our reading missed the deadline every month , so when asked the obvious why didn't they use it for the next month i was told that they didn't keep the readings ( you can't make this up ) . we finally got a bill when it came to contract renewal time and a very surprised manager was told we weren't renewing

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i successfully sued british gas a few years ago after they trashed my house whilst fitting the new heating system ..they are by far the worst of all the energy companies :rant:

Good on you!! I don't know where to go with them, yet Darth Vader, Watchdog is a very good idea, I am going to do that, I think my journey with British Gas has will definatley raise eyebrows.

They are thieves, con artists, liars. I don't know how they can get away with what they are doing. I run a business, an honest business, and don't sleep too well if I know someone is not too happy with my service, yet British Gas seem to relish on the fact they practically con people out of 100's and 1000's of pounds because they wrote it in thier silly little terms and conditions, which I have never had read, nor never had sent!

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