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Homeopathy? What?

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It is based upon principles of sympathetic magic whereby like cures like. Homoeopathy therefore advocates using substances which produce symptoms like those of the disease being treated. A side effect of this however is that taking such substance can often intensify the symptoms and exacerbated the condition.

The solution to this is to dilute the remedy, then dilute it some more. Then maybe a little bit more. Then repeat some more ad nauseam to finally obtain your finished remedy.


Homoeopathic dilutions can follow any of several scales, the most common of which is the centi © scale. In this scale the mother remedy (or tincture) is diluted by a factor of 100 at each stage. So, a remedy of 1C will have been diluted by a factor of 100 (10^2), a remedy of 2C by a factor of 10000 (10^4) and a remedy of 3C by 1000000 (10^6). A dilution of 30C is advocated in most cases, although it is not uncommon to see remedies diluted as far as 200C. Remember that in the ethos of homoeopathy the more diluted a remedy is the more powerful it becomes.


At this point I should introduce you to the concept of Avagadros number, this is the number of molecules of a substance present in one mole of said substance. Moles are related to the mass of a substance by the following equation


mass = moles / molecular mass


where one moles contains 6.022 x10^23 molecules.

We can now apply this to the centi scale of dilutions used in homoeopathy based upon starting with 1 mole of a mother tincture of something like, oh I don’t know, arsenic* (which homoeopaths use to cure anxiety) and then dissolving in 100ml water to give a solution of 75g/100ml, or 750g/l.


Mother tincture contains 750g/l arsenic = 6.022 x 10^23 atoms of arsenic

1C contains 7.5g/l arsenic = 6.022 x 10^21 atoms of arsenic

2C contains 0.075g/l arsenic = 6.022 x 10^19 atoms of arsenic

3C contains 0.00075g/l arsenic = 6.022 x 10^17 atoms of arsenic

6C contains 0.00000000075g/l arsenic = 6.022 x 10^11 atoms of arsenic

11C contains 0.000000000000000000075g/l arsenic = 60 atoms of arsenic

12C contains 0.00000000000000000000075g/l (7.5 x 10^-22g/l) arsenic = minus 0.6 atoms of arsenic Note that at this point you only have a 50/50 chance of the solution containing a single atom of the mother tincture

30C contains 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000075g/l (7.5g/l x 10^-58g/l) arsenic = 6.022 x 10^-37 atoms of arsenic

200C, this is the really strong stuff, contains 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000075g/l arsenic (7.5 x 10^-398)


To put these numbers into some sort of perspective for a 60C remedy it would require giving two billion doses per second to six billion people for 4 billion years to deliver a single molecule of the original material to any single person.


So in summary, its ******




* strictly speaking a water soluble salt of arsenic would be used.


utterly outstanding!! 10/10 - but you're ignoring the fact that the water 'remembers' the arsenic and my mates sister swears by it.

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utterly outstanding!! 10/10 - but you're ignoring the fact that the water 'remembers' the arsenic and my mates sister swears by it.


Have you asked her if she thinks the water she drinks remembers it had previously been flushed down the loo after someone had taken a dump?

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'my mate's sister' is fictitious, an attempt to note that people are extremely stupid and that, as a species, we are prone to the belief in magic - I do work with a bloke who's partner pays for hyomeopathy for her MS and does 'swear by it' - she's an intelligent educated woman, but she believes in ridiculous crap - her business I suppose - it's the same as praying for the sick, it don't make em any better but folk seem to get off on it.


I see homeopathy as preying on the sick

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utterly outstanding!! 10/10 - but you're ignoring the fact that the water 'remembers' the arsenic and my mates sister swears by it.


Same as it remembers* everything else it has been into contact with. Lets hope the stuff she's taking doesn't contain any water that has at any point been through the sewage system :gag:




* still waiting for a viable hypothesis on exactly how it remembers, let alone selectively remembers the things the homoeopath wants it to remember over anything else it has been in contact with.

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Same as it remembers* everything else it has been into contact with. Lets hope the stuff she's taking doesn't contain any water that has at any point been through the sewage system :gag:




* still waiting for a viable hypothesis on exactly how it remembers, let alone selectively remembers the things the homoeopath wants it to remember over anything else it has been in contact with.


or fukushima sea water

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or fukushima sea water


By the tenets of homoeopathy our own coastal waters will already contain superpowerful doses of radiation due to its very low dilution of fukushima sea water. On the premise that like cures like everyone in the country with cancer should make their way to the coast and pop a single drop of sea water on their tongue for an instant cure.

How dare the gun'ment keep this vital information from the people !!!11!!!11



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By the tenets of homoeopathy our own coastal waters will already contain superpowerful doses of radiation due to its very low dilution of fukushima sea water. On the premise that like cures like everyone in the country with cancer should make their way to the coast and pop a single drop of sea water on their tongue for an instant cure.

How dare the gun'ment keep this vital information from the people !!!11!!!11




that,my friend, is genius and could make the basis of a very good stand up routine - I salute you (and will steal it)

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