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Beeped at for dropping litter.

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For my work experience at school I was at a vets on Ecclesall road, I was a young and stupid scruff from Parson Cross who felt quite out of place in this seemingly posh area.


On my break one afternoon I semi-consciously dropped a small piece of litter on the floor outside a news agent; A well spoken, but big burly guy in his late 50's early 60's, in a suit, saw me and said "PICK THAT UP AND PUT IT IN THE BIN"!!!, and gave me a real dressing down.


It shocked me, and I've never dropped a piece of litter since.

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Walking today, I had a coke from Mac D's (Looking for Mayfair) when I finished it, I put the cup in my pocket, but do you know them times where you aim for your pocket but completely miss? I did that and dropped the cup, before I'd even had time to pick it up some lass beeped as she drove by. I looked and no one was around, no one had made a driving error, so I thought she might have done it for... for that reason.


Anyone else had it?


Nope , I am always able to perfectly co-ordinate my hand to enter my pocket 100% of the time.


I am surprised you were able to walk and drink pop at the same time..

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I was once on my way to work and I'd neglected to have my usual morning poo. Getting off the bus and in somewhat of a bind I awkwardly walked to work until the stomach ache my poo induced was too much. With no public toilets in sight I began to think of where I could go. . No McDonalds or fast food chains were in the area, pubs were closed (it was 8 am in the morning) and work was nearly a half mile away. .


The pressure was building and I'd began to walk in such a manner people were looking at me funny. . I had no option but to seek other means to alleviate the situation. .. like some sort of Poo ninja, I bought a packet of handiwipes tissues from a nearby newsagent and made my way down a quiet back street. . I unbuckled my belt and dropped my trousers and began to poo, whilst squatted behind some bins . . .


At the precise moment I had begun the procedure a playful little dog came round the corner, placed it's paws on my knee and began licking my face. . I tried to shoo the mutt away but it was steadfast, transfixed by me. . . a few seconds later I heard a voice. . 'Toby!' . . . 'Toby!' . . . . and panic hit me. . . my heart began to race. . . . I contemplated hoisting up my trousers and legging it. . but I wasn't done. . . 'Toby!'. . 'Toby!' the voice got nearer. . . the dog's ears pricked up and off he sped to his owner. . I was relieved to say the least. . . 'there you are' I hear in the distance. . . 'Phew' I say to myself. . 'That was close'. . .


I'm mid-wipe when Toby returns and his owner isn't too far behind. . and all of a sudden that's it. . a woman in her mid 30's is stood watching me, crouched behind some smelly bins, wiping the remaining faeces from my anus while her little dog, her precious little Toby tries once more to 'play' with the disgusting man she has discovered sh*tting between bins. . the only words I manage to utter is a rather pathetic 'I'm sorry' before she recoils in horror giving me enough time to leg it.


I wasn't expecting that to happen. . .

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I was once on my way to work and I'd neglected to have my usual morning poo. Getting off the bus and in somewhat of a bind I awkwardly walked to work until the stomach ache my poo induced was too much. With no public toilets in sight I began to think of where I could go. . No McDonalds or fast food chains were in the area, pubs were closed (it was 8 am in the morning) and work was nearly a half mile away. .


The pressure was building and I'd began to walk in such a manner people were looking at me funny. . I had no option but to seek other means to alleviate the situation. .. like some sort of Poo ninja, I bought a packet of handiwipes tissues from a nearby newsagent and made my way down a quiet back street. . I unbuckled my belt and dropped my trousers and began to poo, whilst squatted behind some bins . . .


At the precise moment I had begun the procedure a playful little dog came round the corner, placed it's paws on my knee and began licking my face. . I tried to shoo the mutt away but it was steadfast, transfixed by me. . . a few seconds later I heard a voice. . 'Toby!' . . . 'Toby!' . . . . and panic hit me. . . my heart began to race. . . . I contemplated hoisting up my trousers and legging it. . but I wasn't done. . . 'Toby!'. . 'Toby!' the voice got nearer. . . the dog's ears pricked up and off he sped to his owner. . I was relieved to say the least. . . 'there you are' I hear in the distance. . . 'Phew' I say to myself. . 'That was close'. . .


I'm mid-wipe when Toby returns and his owner isn't too far behind. . and all of a sudden that's it. . a woman in her mid 30's is stood watching me, crouched behind some smelly bins, wiping the remaining faeces from my anus while her little dog, her precious little Toby tries once more to 'play' with the disgusting man she has discovered sh*tting between bins. . the only words I manage to utter is a rather pathetic 'I'm sorry' before she recoils in horror giving me enough time to leg it.


I wasn't expecting that to happen. . .


hahaha lol how unlucky

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Walking today, I had a coke from Mac D's (Looking for Mayfair) when I finished it, I put the cup in my pocket, but do you know them times where you aim for your pocket but completely miss? I did that and dropped the cup, before I'd even had time to pick it up some lass beeped as she drove by. I looked and no one was around, no one had made a driving error, so I thought she might have done it for... for that reason.


Anyone else had it?


Maybe she fancied you....like men pip women us women like to pip men too :D

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know the topic isnt about this,but i think the way council etc go on about the litter is a little over the top.do they really hand out these fines that you see on signs some times?like £100.


but speeders get a less fine,and druggies chuck their needles in kids parks?

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