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My pathetic one man protest.

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I've only really accepted it tonight, but i'm getting old at 41. :hihi:

I've noticed that recently, whilst typing/writing, i'm leaving the capital letter off of brand names i hate. :D


For example, i'm a Blades fan, but hate mcdonalds and kfc.


Do any of you lot practice strange personal protests. ? :help:

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I like to score Sky News out of 10 for its special brand of propaganda each day. Today for instance, it scored a 9 for finding the woman who actually said she would have preferred the birth of her daughter, who has cystic fibrosis, to have been 'prevented' as it would have been 'for the best', whilst holding the beautiful bouncy young girl on her knee. Breathtakingly appalling.


They also scored highly a few months ago when they found a female documentary maker with model looks and a PhD who'd once met Gaddaffi for 2 hours to testify that he was crazy based upon the fact that he became irritated when he couldn't find a pencil during her interview with him.

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Hehe, yup I studied and worked as an archaeologist for more than 10 years. I specialised in environmental archaeology and Palaeolithic cultures.


I've had to retrain since the 2008 crash though because there just isn't the work any more and I'm getting too old for moving up and down the country every 3 months :hihi: I really like the website you've created to promote local archaeology.


Are you a fellow archaeologist?

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Hehe, yup I studied and worked as an archaeologist for more than 10 years. I specialised in environmental archaeology and Palaeolithic cultures.


I've had to retrain since the 2008 crash though because there just isn't the work any more and I'm getting too old for moving up and down the country every 3 months :hihi: I really like the website you've created to promote local archaeology.


Are you a fellow archaeologist?


Did you work on archaeological digs on sites where big building projects were due to take place? That work has totally dried up since hardly any new building projects are happening now.


My son graduated in archaeology in 2009 and most of his fellow graduates couldn't find work because of the downturn in building.

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Hehe, yup I studied and worked as an archaeologist for more than 10 years. I specialised in environmental archaeology and Palaeolithic cultures.


I've had to retrain since the 2008 crash though because there just isn't the work any more and I'm getting too old for moving up and down the country every 3 months :hihi: I really like the website you've created to promote local archaeology.


Are you a fellow archaeologist?


Nah, i wish, there's so many places i've found that warrant a test pit, especially this one, just to date it, it's in an ancient landscape so warrants attention imo, but no-one listens.


I'll pm you tomorrow if that's ok, or email me at megadread@hotmail.co.uk or aveburywhs@live.co.uk

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Did you work on archaeological digs on sites where big building projects were due to take place? That work has totally dried up since hardly any new building projects are happening now.


My son graduated in archaeology in 2009 and most of his fellow graduates couldn't find work because of the downturn in building.


Hi Nagel, yep I guess I was lucky because there was a large boom in construction, particularly of motorways, in Ireland after I graduated so for many years work was easy to come by. The situation is pretty dire these days unfortunately.


There is a handy website for archaeologists seeking work that your son could try. This is a link to it:




If he has little experience, he'll find it very tough right now due to lots of competition and I'd recommend that he works in a different industry until things pick up, but it's always worth contacting academics in the field that he's interested in and offering his services as a volunteer digger on their summer fieldwork. I worked in a Middle Palaeolithic cave in Belgium and on an open air Palaeolithic site in the Czech Republic one summer by simply doing this and it was fantastic. He shouldn't need to pay to assist in this way (I'd personally avoid the paid field schools), but he'll probably have to cover his own travel costs.


I wish him the best of luck and I'd say that it's definately worth persisting, hopefully the work will pick up again soon.

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On topic.


I'm currently staging a one woman fuel protest which consists of cycling/walking wherever possible.


Saved an absolute fortune in march (only filled car up once!), its amazing how much those little journeys add up to!

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