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Remember the Jehova Witnessers

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Anyone who has read any of my previous threads may have come to the conclusion that I was a very naughty,naughty little boy as a young Tup.I drove my parents to distraction,anyhow my mother thought she had the answer to their problem.One day on arriving home from school there were two young clean cut blokes sat talking to my ma.I was introduced to them and ushered into the front room were they asked me if I believed in God and Jesus and talked about how I could become a better person and all sorts of stuff that went straight over my head.To me they came from another planet,all I was bothered about was messing about with my mates,bird nesting,football,cricket and chuffin about in general.It took about three visits before they realised they were flogging a dead horse and they gave up ,another heathen bound for hellfire!Jehova Witness nil-Young Tup one game over!:roll::D

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Old Tup

I was working on one of my cars laid on my back underneath when these four shiny shoes aperid by the side of me,then all of a sudden I heard this big booming voice say, Have you heard the the word of the Lord ?!!! shocked I pulled myself out from under my car, got one of them crawler boards my OH got it for Christmas,sorry Im digressing again,looking up I could see these two big black Magarbie look a likes complete with sun glasses and sharp suites, one of them said would you like to be a Jehova Witness? looking up to the sky as he said it,his mate also looking up to the sky and saying praise the lord at the same time,I stood there in between them for a few seconds not knowing what to do or say when both of them got hold of my grease sodden hands and started shaking and lifting mine and there hands up in the air, shouting praise the lord we have a Jehova Witness ! I said hold the phone a minute! they said don't you want to be a Jehova Witness then? I said no I've not even seen the accident!!.

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I love it when they call on me.


They go away carrying a Streetpaper and a little red cross on a string...knowing much more about the Jesus Army than they ever thought possible to know.


I love doorstep evangelising...especially on my own doorstep. :hihi:

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Anyone who has read any of my previous threads may have come to the conclusion that I was a very naughty,naughty little boy as a young Tup.I drove my parents to distraction,anyhow my mother thought she had the answer to their problem.One day on arriving home from school there were two young clean cut blokes sat talking to my ma.I was introduced to them and ushered into the front room were they asked me if I believed in God and Jesus and talked about how I could become a better person and all sorts of stuff that went straight over my head.To me they came from another planet,all I was bothered about was messing about with my mates,bird nesting,football,cricket and chuffin about in general.It took about three visits before they realised they were flogging a dead horse and they gave up ,another heathen bound for hellfire!Jehova Witness nil-Young Tup one game over!:roll::D


When I was a young 'un growing up all I was bothered about was football, bird nesting, and all that other stuff that kids do. When I got a bit older it was working, going down the pub, riding my motor bike and chatting up birds (not very successful at that) Now I'm what you might call 'mature aged'. I'm still riding my bike though, I was still playing football at age 53, still follow United, love to draw and paint, love to read - I have my own library of favourite books, some I've read, some not yet. I live in a kind of paradise, I'm looking out over a 7 acre lake with ducks, swans, herons etc. Behind the lake is a mountain swathed in cloud and threatening a storm. Sometimes it reminds me of the Scottish Highlands where I went a long time ago. But I miss Sheffield, thats why I read the forum, I love reading about home, especially posts like yours reminiscing about the good old days. (you should write a book!) oh yeah, and I'm a Jehovah's Witness. So, is that Jehova Witness 1 Young Tup 1 ???

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When I was a young 'un growing up all I was bothered about was football, bird nesting, and all that other stuff that kids do. When I got a bit older it was working, going down the pub, riding my motor bike and chatting up birds (not very successful at that) Now I'm what you might call 'mature aged'. I'm still riding my bike though, I was still playing football at age 53, still follow United, love to draw and paint, love to read - I have my own library of favourite books, some I've read, some not yet. I live in a kind of paradise, I'm looking out over a 7 acre lake with ducks, swans, herons etc. Behind the lake is a mountain swathed in cloud and threatening a storm. Sometimes it reminds me of the Scottish Highlands where I went a long time ago. But I miss Sheffield, thats why I read the forum, I love reading about home, especially posts like yours reminiscing about the good old days. (you should write a book!) oh yeah, and I'm a Jehovah's Witness. So, is that Jehova Witness 1 Young Tup 1 ???


It's funny as I was reading this, I thought, this bloke goes on a bit, he'd make a good Jovver. And then I read the last sentance. Ta-Dah!

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