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Mess all over Hillsborough Park courtesy of students

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....using government money to sup ale......


I swear that some people think life is free?, and that there must be an endless flow of cash coming to students.


For me and my partner to remain to live in Sheffield and still be able to afford to live here we both have to hold down two jobs and still we can only just get the bills paid and if a student is luckily enough to have a bit of money left for a beer so what, have you been past your local job center recently what do you think they are doing with our tax money???

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I swear that some people think life is free?, and that there must be an endless flow of cash coming to students.


For me and my partner to remain to life in Sheffield and still be able to afford to live here we both have to hold down two jobs and still we can only just get the bills paid and if a student is luckily enough to have a bit of money left for a beer so what, have you been past your local job center recently what do you think they are doing with our tax money???


im glad someone has said that... well said!! :)

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I swear that some people think life is free?, and that there must be an endless flow of cash coming to students.


For me and my partner to remain to life in Sheffield and still be able to afford to live here we both have to hold down two jobs and still we can only just get the bills paid and if a student is luckily enough to have a bit of money left for a beer so what, have you been past your local job center recently what do you think they are doing with our tax money???


Dont have us on, students have plenty of free money, you get a grant and usually have a part-time job plus you get loads of discounts being a student and all, plenty of beer tokens...


Although I'd disagree that students are spending tax payers money, most of it has to be paid back and students are the 'future' higher tax payers so swings and roundabouts...


As for rubbish in the park, just a few students having a bit of fun..

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Has the OP never seen the state of the streets around Hillsborough/Bramhall Lane after a normal football match? There's loads of litter. Littering is not something exclusive to students it's something which inconsiderate and dirty people do who haven't been brought up properly and taught about what is right and wrong. Yes there might have been more than usual the other day but that's just what happens after mass gatherings. If we're going to make generalisations on such a level then why not blame the generation of people who are aged 40-70 who have failed in their duties as parents if their children think littering is acceptable?


This thread is clearly another attempt at student bashing which just highlights how short sighted people like the OP are. It's not government money it's money students have borrowed and will pay back. If you get a loan from Natwest is it still Natwest's money once it's in your account? They'll pay it back plus interest and so can spend it how they like.

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Dont have us on, students have plenty of free money, you get a grant and usually have a part-time job plus you get loads of discounts being a student and all, plenty of beer tokens...


Although I'd disagree that students are spending tax payers money, most of it has to be paid back and students are the 'future' higher tax payers so swings and roundabouts...


As for rubbish in the park, just a few students having a bit of fun..


Plenty of free money? They have to pay interest on top of the loan back! The only people eligible for grants are those who have low income families, most people I go to uni with certainly don't get any free money at all!


Money from a part time job is free money is it? And why can't they spend money they've earned from a part time job on what they like?


You clearly have no idea how much students get so I'd stop posting before you make a complete idiot of yourself.

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Plenty of free money? They have to pay interest on top of the loan back! The only people eligible for grants are those who have low income families, most people I go to uni with certainly don't get any free money at all!


Money from a part time job is free money is it? And why can't they spend money they've earned from a part time job on what they like?


You clearly have no idea how much students get so I'd stop posting before you make a complete idiot of yourself.



'Free' as in disposible income, not free as in gratis. Loads get a grant and those that dont can always run off to mummy and daddy for a handout or to get washing done etc.

When I was at Uni I always had money to go out, you just have to look at how many students are out on the town every week to realise students are not as poor as they make out.

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'Free' as in disposible income, not free as in gratis. Loads get a grant and those that dont can always run off to mummy and daddy for a handout or to get washing done etc.

When I was at Uni I always had money to go out, you just have to look at how many students are out on the town every week to realise students are not as poor as they make out.


There are 50,000 students in Sheffield. Therefore I'm sure on any given night there will be some out in town. People say 'students are always out' but the problem is they don't realise it's not the same students every night. If students all decided to go out once every two weeks on the same night then there would be a bit of a problem!


You clearly have a very stereotypical view of students. Whether this is from your own experience or whether it's from your experience of others I don't know but to have such a ridiculous and unjustified view suggests to me either you didn't go to University at all or if you did you studied something very basic.


Some students get a grant, not loads. And for those that do get a grant, surely the government is wise to invest some money in its future? Yes some students will waste their money and do silly courses that don't lead anywhere but most simply want to better themselves or do something they always dreamed of doing. Does this mean they can't enjoy their lives whilst achieving that? I didn't realise going to university meant you had to sacrifice all other acitivities in life! :roll:


Students have lots of disposable income are you having a joke? It costs £100 a week to live in halls, how much money do you think they have left after that considering they have to buy food and books etc as well?


Again, not very convinced you've actually ever been a student or if you have it was clearly in the age when the buses were 2p and tuition fees didn't exist.

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Basic? what like woodwork?? Nope I did a Masters and a degree. I also know a lot of people that go to Uni just to 'put-off' getting a job. Don't blame them, Uni is E-A-SY in comparison to being unemployed for 6 months or paying a load of money in taxes, bills etc.

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Basic? what like woodwork?? Nope I did a Masters and a degree. I also know a lot of people that go to Uni just to 'put-off' getting a job. Don't blame them, Uni is E-A-SY in comparison to being unemployed for 6 months or paying a load of money in taxes, bills etc.


Well that must be it then! TJC1 knows loads of people who go to uni to freeload so that must be representative of society.

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