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Mess all over Hillsborough Park courtesy of students

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But it isn't. As you would know if you had bothered to read the whole thread.


In any case, people who clean our public areas should have our respect, not our derision. Don't you think?


actually, its the job description, it keeps people in a job, nobody was hurt its not as bigger deal as your making it out to be, get a job and stop crying on the forum, you or nobody else on here can make a difference. . . . fact. . . paid to do a job, get it done !! :)

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i think tjc1 and 'del_boy' need to learn some manners, you cant go talking crap about students because your jealous of the carefree partying image, then be rude like you have been without provocation. I think your the ones that need to grow up.

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i think tjc1 and 'del_boy' need to learn some manners, you cant go talking crap about students because your jealous of the carefree partying image, then be rude like you have been without provocation. I think your the ones that need to grow up.


yes im jelous im not a foul mouthed drunk everynight student type


damm it!

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whoops, sorry, i forgot students drink everynight, so much infact, that none of them ever study, and consequently never get all the way through uni. My bad. And whats so bad about being like that? These seemingly terrible people are clearly happy, maybe you should try it, instead of having a go at people enjoying their lives.

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Being a uni student, I must defend students from all these irrelevant bad comments!


I don't know any students who drink every single night! Most Hallam students are determined to graduate with a first or second. I just gotta say that too much comments in this thread are irrelevant to my fellow current Hallam students!!


I need you to respect uni students! I'm being nice to the locals and trying hard to reconcile with the local Sheffielders. Please do look at the good side of uni students more! Let me live under the respect and friendship of Sheffield locals to finish the 3-year remaining of my course!

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actually, its the job description, it keeps people in a job, nobody was hurt its not as bigger deal as your making it out to be, get a job and stop crying on the forum, you or nobody else on here can make a difference. . . . fact. . . paid to do a job, get it done !! :)



You dont know people on this forum love so stop tellin em to get jobs cuz you dont know who they are... They could have sumet wrong wiv em or depressed! So think before you speak...... I dislike students because i agree they all go out drinking and never study........ We have all got our own opinions so sop talking crap!

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I really Hate it when the students are walking through town and thinking that theyre better than everyone.... Its just pure selfishness!


Hmmm- you claim to be able to tell what they're thinking just by looking at them?


Someone's got a problem there - and it isn't the students...

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You dont know people on this forum love so stop tellin em to get jobs cuz you dont know who they are... They could have sumet wrong wiv em or depressed! So think before you speak...... I dislike students because i agree they all go out drinking and never study........ We have all got our own opinions so sop talking crap!


All of them? All the time?


You're doing exactly what you're accusing someone else of doing - saying 'you're all the same'.


Are you a depressed unemployed person by any chance?

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