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Mess all over Hillsborough Park courtesy of students

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All of them? All the time?


You're doing exactly what you're accusing someone else of doing - saying 'you're all the same'.


Are you a depressed unemployed person by any chance?


He's clearly not able to make a reasoned and justified argument in relation to something he holds an opinion of.

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Don't tar us all with the same brush, plenty of us like to play music and do other things instead of getting drunk and rowdy and watch sports.........


Saying 'students' is as useless as saying 'humans' ...... no specification at all, please don't get into the habit of it...!

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Don't tar us all with the same brush, plenty of us like to play music and do other things instead of getting drunk and rowdy and watch sports.........


Saying 'students' is as useless as saying 'humans' ...... no specification at all, please don't get into the habit of it...!


Wouldn't dream of it thompsonbass - some people (StevieBlade?) just seem to have a chip on their shoulder...

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i think tjc1 and 'del_boy' need to learn some manners, you cant go talking crap about students because your jealous of the carefree partying image, then be rude like you have been without provocation. I think your the ones that need to grow up.


If you look at my posts I'm actually defending students, it was the comment about money I disagreed with.

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enough of this inane bickering about students. Bottom line is Hillsborough Park which is lovingly taken care of by the parks team was trashed last Wednesday.


That is to say students (yes that is what they were) who attended the varsity event at the Wednesday ground overflowed into Hillsborough park to imbibe in some ale. Unfortunately those present have yet to learn the manners of dining/drinking al fresco and made one hell of a mess leaving litter everywhere expecting 'somebody' else to clear it despite the park having ample litter bins.


It isn't acceptable, they should be ashamed of themselves and perhaps all of us reading this thread will be reminded to be considerate with our litter and use a bin. :)

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agreed, but the point some of us are trying to make is not all students are like this, however, some clearly uneducated folk with apparently nothing better to do than sit behind a keyboard and whinge about those doing better than themselves seem to be spouting rubbish. Yes, they may have been students, and yes, they may hold the blame for the mess, but lets make it clear, that NOT ALL STUDENTS ARE LIKE THIS. i am sick of brainless, erm, 'people' trying to put every student down. Jealousy and stereotyping are terrible things...

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All mornin myself and colleuges at Hillsborough park have been clearin from the aftermath of the rugby final in the Wednesday ground. Students, who are supposed to be educated and the next generation, using government money to sup ale, tape the cans together ( wot the <removed>) drink half cans and bottles and throw them all over the place. Glass bottles smashed on the street and in the park, where kids always play especially tday with it being a nice day leaflets advertisin uni events scattered all over. But the icing on the cake which upset all members of staff and the regular park users, was a newly planted tree snapped in half, people take there time growing and keeping them, costs somebody money for the tree then time to plant for some <removed> getting giddy after a bit of pop running about like a little girl n swinging of them. It's not as if they're kids, some probably older than me.

Have a bit more respect and grow up.


im with you mate, i HATE students, they are lazy, thick, untidy, have no idea of basic road safety! and before all you do gooders out there tell me they are our future dont bother cos if they are our future GOD HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I really Hate it when the students are walking through town and thinking that theyre better than everyone.... Its just pure selfishness!


i hate the way they put a posh lardy dah voice on when in shops ect! they forget they are in sheffield and not london.

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i hate the way they put a posh lardy dah voice on when in shops ect! they forget they are in sheffield and not london.


Can I just congratulate you on your 100th post..........however, I am regretably left wondering how inane your other 99 were:rolleyes:

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