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Rock'n'Roll at the Broughton Inn.


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Hi and thanks for your reply, I think the last time I saw Dex was at Clifton Hall in Rotherham, as for Crazy Dave it will have been at the Broughton Inn. If you still see Crazy Dave can you ask him if he knows Linda's last name, I'm sure he knew her pretty well, she had blond hair and used to ware a red drape and full circle skirt with sneakers, she wasn't one for high heels. She had an on/off relationship with Mark from Barnsley.

If I can get her last name I might be able to find her on FB etc.

The last time I went to a club in Chesterfield for Rock n Roll the DJ was called Moggy.


Many thanks.

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Dave's on FB under his own name (Dave Brighton).

Moggy's still alive and kicking, I was at his 70th birthday bash earlier this year. I last saw him last month at the Go-getters gig at PLUG in Sheffield. I don't think he's DJing anymore, it's mainly Hodge and Andy Barker.

Let me know if you get in touch with Dave, I mighht not see him for a while now.

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Hi, thanks for the info, I have now found Dex on Myspace after going on Crazy Dave's page.

I have sent Dex a friend request, so hopefuly I will be able to find more info re old pals from the Broughton Inn and Clifton Hall.


Once again many thanks for your help, all the very best.


Richard XH558.

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Hi I was at the Broughton most weekends an used to know a lot of teds I married one of the djs not roger or dave lol ...... we made it in to the sheffield star onthe wedding day along with a load of teds ( now divorced ) know crazy dave . maggie ( the radio ham) and many,many more ...... keep on rockin lol x

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Hi thanks for your message re the Broughton Inn, if you would like to chat some more about the Brougton Inn it would be great.

I met my first wife at the Broughton Inn, been divorced 11yrs now, anyway I'm married again now and very happy.

If you want to see some photos of me and some pals you can find me on My space, search for Dave Brighton and you will find me as one of his friends.

I didn't have any pics from those good times so the ones that are on there I have found from Peter Dex page and added to my page, as I said it would be great to catch up, maybe see some pics of you also.


I hope to hear from you soon, all the best Richard xx

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  • 1 month later...
I know Maggie the Radio ham, Shes an old friend of mine, would you like me to point her in your direction?


Hi djbriggs, yes please point her in my direction then we can catch up on old times at the Broughton Inn etc.

I'm now in contact with Crazy Dave Brighton, Dex Peter Revell, Linda Hudson and a few more.


All the best to you and yours djbriggs.


Many thanks in advance for your help, Richard XH558.

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