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Isn't she just lovely. Queen smashes her own record!

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Contrary to my post yesterday, which can be found here: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=757326 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second has smashed her own record of 14 seconds!


In a contest held in Venezuala, South America her Royal Highness was able to eat a medium sized pickled onion through a tennis raquet in 12.06 seconds and look simply marvellous doing it.


The championship, which is held on a different continent every four years was not expecting the Queen to actually turn up, having held the record for over 47 years.


Previous challengers have averaged 25 or more seconds, prompting the commander in chief of the United Kingdom's armed forces to comment; "Tell one when one is inside the 15 second mark and one may consider taking up the training".


But it seems that a recent, unofficial 16.5 second test run by the new defacto leader of Cuba, Raoul Castro was enough to get Liz back on course.


Storming the stage to rapturous cheering, in an exquisite turquoise gown with matching hat and handbag, our lass what is on us money and stamps wolfed down the pickled onion through a fine mesh Wilson branded raquet to the astonishment of gathered world leaders.


On being congratulated by Sir Terry Wogan, the Queen's only comment was "get out of bloody way, one needs a pint"


Prince Philip, who appeared to be repeating his own jokes once more claimed that the fuse box "appeared to have been put in by Indians".


The couple left with the solid gold Hayward's trophy in a black Rolls Royce in the general direction of the airport

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In these trying times its nice to have a feelgood story, our Liz is certainly a champion. makes me proud to be British, hip hip hurray your Majesty, God save the Queen, Brittania rules the waves and all that jazz. Certainly showed johnny foreigner a thing or two.

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She is indeed, quite nasty.



i suppose everyone can be nasty...i admire the queen..although some things have happened that leave the queen looking draconian..like the diana /charles thing.i think shes wonderful.:)

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