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My so called government.

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Its a real kick in the teeth funding Pakistani corruption though.


It's probably an attempt to keep the region stable. An ounce of prevention and all that.


Ordinarily we'd just invade them, but as they don't have any oil but do have nukes, we're too chicken-shıt scared to do it.


When we're dispensing "freedom" around the world we prefer armies that are third-rate or less.

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I'm beginning to feel like a guest in my own home. What am I paying taxes for anyway?... It doesn't benefit me.


Guest in your own home? According to the last census breakdown 92% of the population are white ethnicity.... perhaps you need to step outside your front door a little bit more.


As for your taxes.... well I assume you have never ever used a school, hospital, road, GP, council service, public transport, police or fire service etc. in your lifetime. You must live under a rock somewhere in daily mail land.

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Well, people were thick enough to give them slightly more votes allowing them to seize power without getting elected, despite what they did in their previous regimes. They say people live and learn but that obviously isn't the case and, additionally, there were lots of voters around that have previously never experienced life under the Tories. It's going to get much much worse too.

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Guest in your own home? According to the last census breakdown 92% of the population are white ethnicity.... perhaps you need to step outside your front door a little bit more.
Being British means being British.. It doesn't mean being "white". Or do you think otherwise?


Originally posted by ECCOnoob

As for your taxes.... well I assume you have never ever used a school, hospital, road, GP, council service, public transport, police or fire service etc. in your lifetime.

Of course I have. Having paid my taxses for the last 25years entitles me to do so. But what will the increases in taxes entitle me to do? How is it benifitting me and people like me?


Originally posted by ECCOnoob

You must live under a rock somewhere in daily mail land.

That would explain my attitude then:rolleyes:
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Being British means being British.. It doesn't mean being "white". Or do you think otherwise?


Ah right, fair enough. In that case we must be talking about everyone who is British which must include all british born citizens of a difference race or ethnicity. I wonder how many of the strangers in your own home are actually british citizens just like you..... obviously the Census will show the figures. If people actually bother to fill it in.


Of course I have. Having paid my taxses for the last 25years entitles me to do so. But what will the increases in taxes entitle me to do? How is it benifitting me and people like me?


They are benefiting you by making sure your country's economy is stable and remains in credit. We overspent public monies and SOME moron bankers did some irresponsible lending. Its got to be paid back somehow. We dont want to end up like Greece, Portugal and Ireland. You personally might not benefit but that's tough just like lots of other people who might take a hit. It will benefit of the whole of your country in the long run.

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I work hard, I pay my taxes, I do everything my government asks of me. Yet, my so called government continues to put the needs and requirements of every other(Help me I'm struggling to make ends meet)migrant and EU country before my own. Why do they do this?


Perhaps you could summarise how they are doing this?

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Ah right, fair enough. In that case we must be talking about everyone who is British which must include all british born citizens of a difference race or ethnicity.
Of course it must, isn't that stating the obvious? Although people of different race aren't British, so we'll exclude them.


Originally posted by ECCOnoob

I wonder how many of the strangers in your own home are actually british citizens just like you..... obviously the Census will show the figures. If people actually bother to fill it in.

That's anybody's guess.




Originally posted by ECCOnoob

They are benefiting you by making sure your country's economy is stable and remains in credit. We overspent public monies and SOME moron bankers did some irresponsible lending. Its got to be paid back somehow.

Of course it's got to be paid back; by the tax payer as per usual. But why is Britain still throwing money around as if it's credit is in the black? If we can afford to give money away to countries with an economy crisis.. like Britain, why is our so called government increasing taxes here? Why are we footing the bill yet again?


Originally posted by ECCOnoob

We dont want to end up like Greece, Portugal and Ireland.

Why don't we? Britain could do with a bail-out couldn't it?, or are our taxes supposed to suppliment every other struggling nation other that our own?
Originally posted by ECCOnoob

You personally might not benefit but that's tough just like lots of other people who might take a hit. It will benefit of the whole of your country in the long run.

No it won't. It will only benefit those that got us into this mess. Everyone else just foots the bill.


PS. Even though I wasn't sent an invite, I'd like to take this opportunity to send my best wishes William and Kate. I do hope my contribution goes towards making their special day a day to remember.. Oh I forgot, it's going towards security isn't it? The families are paying for the wedding aren't they. Yeah right!!:rolleyes:

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Perhaps you could summarise how they are doing this?
Why don't the countries that are being bailed out by Britain(Ireland, Portugal, Pakistan)increase taxes in their own countries? Why are British people always expected to foot the bill without complaining about it?
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Why don't the countries that are being bailed out by Britain(Ireland, Portugal, Pakistan)increase taxes in their own countries? Why are British people always expected to foot the bill without complaining about it?


A) They aren't being bailed out.


b) Those that are offered loans by the EU do raise taxes and introduce austerity measures


B) Lots of people are "footing the bill" - not just Britain.


C) This is hardly the government putting everyone else first is it?

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