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New Club Night in Sheffield! - No Students!

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Im dying for a club night that takes my fancy. I havnt been clubbing for years basically because i hate the club nights currently in sheffield


I was a huge fan of the old gatecrasher. I would love something along the lines of how that used to be :D please


Edit : Im Not a Student BTW!

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I would just like to be able to get into most of the places on a Thursday night in Sheffield without being told -no student card no entry - it is so annoying; some of us do go out on a work night you know and we're left with nowhere to go :rant:

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I'd be interested in any night that has the stones to not follow the herd that play commercial/cheesy/chart/pop, the usual tired r'n'b suspects, obscure (yet popular with some) facets of dance music or has an inane DJ playing what they want.


Problem is, West Street/Division Street is a closed shop.


There are no venues prepared to change what they currently play as their staff, DJ's and clientele know exactly what they are getting.


And don't get me started on one particular bar on Divvy Street that shall rename nameless but whose "too cool for school" attitude makes me spontaneously combust whenever I pop in for a half of mild on the off chance that they *might* possibly have changed into a half decent, slightly cool, friendly bar!!!


I'm choking on my Werthers here, I'll have to go....

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Going to be blunt here to be kind,


Sorry to be negative, im all for enterprise and innovation but starting a club night in Sheffield is doomed to failure 99% of the time.

I know a lot of current venue owners and some nighclub/ event promoters personally in Sheffield, and they are all struggling to get punters in. Its TOUGH at the moment and thats an understatement and it will only get worse.


I would say do something else with your time, energy and money in the current climate.

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Going to be blunt here to be kind,


Sorry to be negative, im all for enterprise and innovation but starting a club night in Sheffield is doomed to failure 99% of the time.

I know a lot of current venue owners and some nighclub/ event promoters personally in Sheffield, and they are all struggling to get punters in. Its TOUGH at the moment and thats an understatement and it will only get worse.


I would say do something else with your time, energy and money in the current climate.


TJC1, I agree with what you're saying but I think that NOW is the time for a new, innovative night that works hard to get people in.


Let's face it, West Street/Division Street are strips - folk hop from bar to bar to bar, on a circuit. There's a LOT of dud bars and venues that get business irrespective of whether they are actually any good. They are just part of the strip.


I seem to recall that back in the early 90's, when we were in another recession, Back to Basics, Renaissance, Cream, Gatecrasher to name but a few all flourished because they tried harder.


If more bars/venues/clubs in Sheffield pulled their thumb out and worked for their money, maybe there'd be more "destination" bars and less bar hopping. Let's face it, during the good times of the Noughties, there was a huge growth in new bars in Sheffield (and every other town). Now the money isn't there, there's going to be a contraction. Less demand=less supply. It's the way of the world.


Equally, there's a lot of "cool" bars that are just the Emperor's New Clothes and they'll have to start proving themselves soon when people vote with the cash in their pockets.


If a promoter with some financial backing (and not a piddly few hundred quid) and a decent idea launches a new venue/night and *works hard* to keep it going, then chances are they won't fold after a few weeks and we might still be talking about them in a year or two's time.

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TJC1, I agree with what you're saying but I think that NOW is the time for a new, innovative night that works hard to get people in.


Let's face it, West Street/Division Street are strips - folk hop from bar to bar to bar, on a circuit. There's a LOT of dud bars and venues that get business irrespective of whether they are actually any good. They are just part of the strip.


I seem to recall that back in the early 90's, when we were in another recession, Back to Basics, Renaissance, Cream, Gatecrasher to name but a few all flourished because they tried harder.


If more bars/venues/clubs in Sheffield pulled their thumb out and worked for their money, maybe there'd be more "destination" bars and less bar hopping. Let's face it, during the good times of the Noughties, there was a huge growth in new bars in Sheffield (and every other town). Now the money isn't there, there's going to be a contraction. Less demand=less supply. It's the way of the world.


Equally, there's a lot of "cool" bars that are just the Emperor's New Clothes and they'll have to start proving themselves soon when people vote with the cash in their pockets.


If a promoter with some financial backing (and not a piddly few hundred quid) and a decent idea launches a new venue/night and *works hard* to keep it going, then chances are they won't fold after a few weeks and we might still be talking about them in a year or two's time.


Uncle A,

I hear what you are saying and I'm with you on this, trust me this is something I've thought long and hard about because theres just too many bad places aimed at students, chavs etc.


But there was decidely LESS competition in the early 90's, starting anything now requires considerable investment and because everyones feeling the pinch, customers, suppliers etc. it has a knock on effect...I reckon the only places that can thrive currently are chains with superior buying power..think wetherspoons, and revolution (who just opened that place on west street).

Sad but true...


I've just heard too many bad stories from dissillusioned bar owners that tried everything they could do prosper but ultimately had to sell up or ship out...

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I agree with you too (it's a mutual appreciation society on SF this afternoon isn't it?!)


I'm afraid I sort of went off topic when mentioning bars and venues. This intrepid soul wants to put on a new night which is different to a bar trying to staunch the flow of punters/cash.


My comments stand about promoters really finding out what would draw a regular crowd to a venue. Get the music policy right and you could be onto a winner. Plug it, promote the backside off of it and you'll get known.


Ultimately, the nights that last the distance are credible and have an USP (be it cheap beer, location or music policy).


Back in the day when I was a young lad and my beard wasn't all white, I dabbled a little with promoting a night for my friend. Hard work but the rewards are there if you have a good idea of what you want to achieve and you stick to your plan...

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