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Writers! New Writing Festival at the Lantern Theatre - June 2011

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The Lantern Theatre's Festival of New Writing 2011


Have you ever wanted the chance to see your work performed on stage? Yes? Then this may be of interest to you!


What is the Festival of New Writing?

It is a chance for up-and-coming writers from anywhere in the world to submit any piece of unpublished theatre they have written (around 15 minutes in length) and, if chosen by the panel, have it performed on The Lantern Theatre stage by the theatre's very own resident amateur group - The Dilys Guite Players (DGP).


What is the aim of the Festival?

The Festival of New Writing is a new venture for The Lantern Theatre, which is looking to showcase up-and-coming writing/writers by providing directors and actors for performances.


When is the Festival taking place?

The Festival will run for 3 consecutive nights from 23rd-25th June 2011 at the Lantern Theatre, with rehearsals taking place for a number of weeks before this. Therefore, if you are considering auditioning to act in a piece, you will need to check that you are available for these performance nights.

There are lots of roles, WE NEED - WRITERS, DIRECTORS, and ACTORS


Submission of Written Work

We are looking for 15 min pieces suitable for a family audience, with a cast of no more than 3 people. There should be no set involved, and minimal props required. All submissions will be considered by the artistic panel and writers of the selected pieces will be informed soon after the closing date of panel decisions. The submission deadline for written submissions is 15th April 2011 at midday.

Please note, you will not then be able to direct or act in your own piece. You can of course audition to direct or act in another piece that is chosen, however.



Auditions to ACT in or DIRECT one of the chosen pieces are as follows:

- Sat 23rd April 11am-1pm (SLOT 1) AND 1pm-3pm (SLOT 2)

- Tues 26th April 7pm-9pm (SLOT 3)


New actors and new directors are very welcome. All auditions will take place at the Lantern Theatre, 18 Kenwood Park Road, Sheffield, S7 1NF.


So if you are interested in being involved with the festival as a writer, director, actor, publicist or backstage, or if you have any further questions or wish to book in for one of the above audition slots then please feel free to email Dani Beckett and TJ Browne, at festival@lanterntheatre.org.uk.


If you cannot come to one of the above slots then please email us as soon as possible to arrange another suitable time for you as we do not want anyone to miss out. You will not need to prepare any pieces for the audition - please just bring yourself.


Many thanks and we look forward to receiving pieces from you BEFORE 12pm midday on 15th April 2011 and/or seeing you at auditions on Sat 23rd April/Tues 26th April!

TJ Browne and Dani Beckett (Festival Coordinators) and Annie Bethell (Festival Curator)

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