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Disgusted at doormans behaviour

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We went out last nite to Weatherspoons at Hillsboro,while we were in there the door men came in and went to the end of the pub,I didnt see any fracas going on but then they had a young lad,there were 5 doormen 2 holding his arms,2 at the side and one behind,to my horro the one behind was headbutting him all the way WHY??? Im not condoning the lads behaviour though I didnt see hin do anything.They took him outside and fair enough he was shouting "why did you do that" and they were all shouting back at him.The police came and wouldnt let him have hi say just talked to the doormen,he shouted again and they had him on the floor 4 police this time!!!! i went and spoke to the police and said bascially the door man assaulted him but guess what they just shrugged grrrrrrrrrrrrr that could have been anyones son and i dont agree how they handled it.Last thing he was carted off in a police van I was so angry tha so called professionals have to be so heavy handed and the door men got away with assault.

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It was awful I felt sorry for the lad as I didnt see him kicking off in the pub,I appreciate sometimes they have a job to do but surely without been so brutal?? from where i was there was no way he deserved headbutting as he couldnt defend himself,maybe if he was then they would have had to defend themselves and others but that was just random violence.

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from where i was there was no way he deserved headbutting as he couldnt defend himself,maybe if he was then they would have had to defend themselves and others but that was just random violence.


I believe that south Yorkshires finest have a presence on SF, lets hope they see your comments.

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Only sometimes :suspect:


They're dead funny at The Common Room. About six of us lads wanted to go in, wouldn't let us. So we walked on a few yards, then walked back one at a time to go in. Don't think they even noticed we were the same lads they turned away just 5 minutes earlier, just as individuals.

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Malky tbh the police just took the doormens word and totally disregarded what i told them,they stood laughing with each other while 4 police had him on the floor now that gives you confidence for sure,I wasnt shouting ect i was trying to tell them how he was handled and yes if they had headbutted me i would have been mad as hell but it was all one sided.As a member of the public i was totally ignored hmmmmmm what a waste of time.

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Report it to whoever licenses the doormen. It used to be Sheffield Council licensing but I think it's been handed over to some national body. I'm sure the council can give you a contact email or phone number though.


Weatherspoons can probably be forced to reveal which company they employ to handle their security and that company be investigated on how they expect their employees to behave. Maybe even retrain their personnel.


This sort of behaviour from doorstaff is supposed to have been trained out of them. It's not necessary.


Did you make a note of the police's badge numbers during your conversation with them?

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