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Disgusted at doormans behaviour

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As i've said earlier in the thread the pub/club has a signing in book where the doorstaff have to sign in using thier names and SIA numbers, so there is no need to to try and put yourself in danger trying to get thier badge numbers, just go into the pub/club the next day and request it from the manager.

Is one of the ex blue ball bouncer the black guy with the london accent, ifso i hope he's one of the ones getting prosecuted, in my personal opinion he's a toerag and acts like a powermad thug but then goes to his day job at the careers place behind argos in town trying to help you find a job lol.



i didnt see your other post, no i think theyr was 3-4 white blokes. the black bloke your on about must be levi or garry depends which name you know his as lol, he used to be called gary but changed his name years a go to levi, hes spent more time in prison than i dont know what, but somehow still gets to work on the doors??? now iv got my sia badge and i know for a fact you have to take CRB which checks your criminal record, and if its for violence,theft or fraud which is all 3 then you cant get a sia badge so hows he got 1??? strange 1 that isnt it????

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to my knowledge Levi does not work in hillsbrough and he does not have a london accent.


Just to add to a comment earlier if you go into a venue asking for a door supervisors Name and number, any decent manager will not give it to you, they will give it to the police but not to just anyone as from their number it is possible to find their name etc on the sia website

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we once went to club xs and got accused of not being gay enough, thing is there was about twenty of us who were going to spend about thirty quid apiece, so if they can afford to turn away that kind of business then I think the manager could have done with hearing about it really, but then club policy is policy .....like you can afford to turn it down lol


I used to go there a lot. I am straight, but usually went with gay friends, and we also knew the staff, so we always got in. I'm sure I saw them turn people away before, or ask them if they knew what kind of place it is. I suppose they have to maintain a certain balance of gay and straight, otherwise it wouldn't be a gay club anymore!

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  • 10 months later...
The sad truth is that all doormen take steroids that lead to a violent temper which they have no control over, often refered to as 'roid rage'.:(

ive been a doorman for 22 yrs ive never taken steroids think your talking rubbish.

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What a pile of drivle. This thread is an absolute joke. Being a said doorman here in sheffield and being an outsider to yorkshire. You have like every profession you have your professionals you have your wannabes and you have the just plain lazy.


To tarnish all "bouncers " with the same brush is wrong on every level. I am polite and curtious to all customers regardless of them being rude which 99% of the time they are as anyone who has anythng to do with them not enjoying there nght gets no respect or no manners.


Going back to the orgnal thread. Do you know the full circumstances surrounding the incident. Do you know if it was drugs related. Drunkeness, sexual aggressivness. What you see can be totally different from what actually happens.


Prime example. Someone starts trouble in the toilets . Punches someone. No one other than maybe 2 people see it. Person goes back into the clubs population and acts as though nothng has happened. Gets reported to the door team/bouncers/door supervisors whatever. So in the limited time that they normally have they need to make a judgement call and normally is best to get them to the front door where you can make a decision as to what has happened . As there is always two sides to every story. But remember what you see isnt always what has happened.


Sadly it is fact that some doorman are only doing the job as they want a scrap and some female attention etc. but to tarnish everyone with the same brush is wrong. If a doorteam has a few doorman it is standard practise to always approach a situation with 2 as a minimum as the most quiet and wellspoken people can still turn into raging idiots with a drink in them . When you tell someone you want a chat with them at the door . People get very defensive and dont like the fact someone wants a chat.


So 2 min and for a good doorman worth his money yea as soon as you notice your colleague going into any situation ou should be on hand in case it goes pete tong. Wrong! Because i can assure you the smallest skinniest guy in the planet can turn out to be a screwball where as the largest most musclular guy can be a gentle giant. The fact is you cannot judge a book by its cover.


Each venue has its own policy on how people should be treated and so on regarding police involvement etc. it is not in the venues best interest to report matters to the police as it has an adverse effect of licensing. Hence why any decent doorman can deal with most eventualities. So the must have abeen a very genuine reason for the door team to have handed this person over to the police. Drugs, violence , sexual, etc etc think you ght get the drift.


To sum matters up. Dont judge a book by its cover not all doorman are meat heads. Yes some are and some dont care about you or why you are there but some of us do , and try to ensure you are protected from all matters n clubs. Thefts, sexual, fighting etc. you only see what your eyes want you too see.


If anyne has any issues with any doorman or venues then why not call the police and report the incident. Any good doorman should keep a record in a notepad of incidents and circumstances etc incase it ever comes back on them. You have a right under the freedom of information act and the data protection act to view any CCTV thathas been taken of you. Or whee you believe a criminal offence has been commited. But the police can advise you better . But you have evey rght as long as you can prove your intention to view it.


The SIA is also a good point of contact should you feel the person or the persons havent acted ina professional manner. But please before involving these people make sure of your facts as the egg might land on your face if proven that it was for a legitimate reason.



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. it is not in the venues best interest to report matters to the police as it has an adverse effect of licensing.


Bigmofaeglas has made a few good points, I am afraid the quote though no longer really applies. Yes the Police keep records of incidents for every venue, but for several years now they have encouraged operators to use them if needed. I have been to the committee meeting for both the City Centre and Ecclesall Rd and all of the attending officers would advise that if their is a situation you are uncomfortable with, call them. It is a little catch 22, the venues only don't want to call because they want to be seen as in control of their venue, often this isn't the case!


The real problem is doormen that think they run a business. About 6 months ago I was out with a snooker player (World Top Ten) he wanted to go somewhere young and lively and had been to Players before and wanted to head there. So we arrive no queue and about 20 people in, it was early. To which we get 'Sorry mate it's students only', I explain the reason for our visit and am then allowed in. Considering we were three males in suits all 30-35 one of whom has won over £100k this year, which bright spark possibly thought we could be detrimental to business!?


They may be given the power to turn away non students but most don't have the common sense needed for such a power. The link between a venue making money and them being paid appears devoid a lot of the time. They are too quick to make a decision, and then don't like to back down as it shows signs of weakness in their minds.


Unfortunately although I have worked alongside some really good doormen, the nature of the business means I am afraid they don't out weigh the idiots. Over the course of time door agency's will send you loads. From a list of the last 100 I have seen I would probably ask for 20 back.


The SIA was a waste of time and money and already they are looking for an alternative http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11393581 the fact people need badges is not really a useful point as anyone can be employed inside the club. A certain large venue has a 'Security Director' inside as they can't be badged due to CRB.


If anyone has any doubt that both management and door staff have a 'We can do what we want policy' spend 15 minutes reading the Licencing report on 'Pinkys' (Redhouse/Amnesia). They had SIA door staff, is anyone suggesting they were doing their job!?



Report to Licensing Sub-Committee (pdf, 1.41mb)

Summary review of Pinky's/ Amenesia Nightclub, 52-54 West Street (1.41 MB)

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Considering we were three males in suits all 30-35 one of whom has won over £100k this year, which bright spark possibly thought we could be detrimental to business!?


I'm not sure that is a good example as it sounds like the door staff had guidance on who should/shouldnt be let in & were keeping to it. Generally a bunch of "suits" isnt really going to fit with a student night (it certainly used to be standard practice in London for 'suits" to get knocked back from many venues regardless of their income). However once they were suitably impressed that you were indeed players - they let you in - so wheres the problem? (though I'm amazed a top sports figure would want to go to Players - but there you go...)

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I'm not sure that is a good example as it sounds like the door staff had guidance on who should/shouldnt be let in & were keeping to it. Generally a bunch of "suits" isnt really going to fit with a student night (it certainly used to be standard practice in London for 'suits" to get knocked back from many venues regardless of their income). However once they were suitably impressed that you were indeed players - they let you in - so wheres the problem? (though I'm amazed a top sports figure would want to go to Players - but there you go...)


That is fair enough, they are told keep it to students for a reason. That reason is to keep out trouble, groups of lads who may get inside and kick off basically. This routine never gets pulled on girls. Anyone that has spent anytime on a door can spot groups 50 yards away that will be a problem.


The issue is that the majority of West St bouncers don't seem to be able to use much logic. The 'must have ID' routine, I am 35, OK I may not look 35 but I am clearly over 18!


It also makes me look a bit of a dick to pull the 'Don't you know who we are' scenario, which granted works, but I would rather not.

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