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Disgusted at doormans behaviour

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I've seen the same doormen assault a man with his son. Dragged them outside and threw one of them onto the tram tracks when they weren't even putting up any resistance.


Police came we told them that they had assaulted the guy, they claimed they had checked CCTV footage and saw no wrong doing (literally minutes after arriving, no where near enough time to have checked). Then they turned their attention onto me and said I'd be arrested if I didn't move on...

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I've seen the same doormen assault a man with his son. Dragged them outside and threw one of them onto the tram tracks when they weren't even putting up any resistance.


Police came we told them that they had assaulted the guy, they claimed they had checked CCTV footage and saw no wrong doing (literally minutes after arriving, no where near enough time to have checked). Then they turned their attention onto me and said I'd be arrested if I didn't move on...



Were you drunk? No bet you were sober. Do you not think the police and security get enough of random people butting into things. I get sick of the drunk people who think they are medics, doctors, super fly by night i will save your life types. When as soon as you have had a drink regardless of your knowledge you become just joe public.



People unless it directly effectsyou then woud sty out f matters

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Were you drunk? No bet you were sober. Do you not think the police and security get enough of random people butting into things. I get sick of the drunk people who think they are medics, doctors, super fly by night i will save your life types. When as soon as you have had a drink regardless of your knowledge you become just joe public.



People unless it directly effectsyou then woud sty out f matters


Yes I had been drinking. Your point being what? Bouncers should be allowed to assault joe public because they've been drinking? Get a grip. Are you a bouncer or something because I can't see why any normal person would side with those morons.

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I think that he was replying to 'manofstrad's' ridiculous claim that ALL doormen take steroids, which even by his standards was a bit foolish. Although a year old thread, he's allowed a right to reply.


He didnt mention women?? sexist ;) I have never taken steroids and worked on the doors prior to having my kids MOS!!!!

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Yes I had been drinking. Your point being what? Bouncers should be allowed to assault joe public because they've been drinking? Get a grip. Are you a bouncer or something because I can't see why any normal person would side with those morons.


My point being if you have had a drink then you see what you want to. Everyones sees what they want to. Did you see the incident inside? As for sure if violence was involved then there MUST have been something for it to escalate to that level.


Im not a bouncer i am a door supervisor. And you must the moron as not all door people are morons. We have to deal with ********s 99% ofthe time. Joe public dont see 90% of the **** thats involved.

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I think generally doormen are way too heavy handed and get away with too much. My old guitar teacher was kicked to death by doormen and he was a completely harmless nice guy.


I've had a couple bad experiences too where I have been hit for nothing really but having said that, two of my friends work on the doors and they are very nice people and never cause any trouble so can't tar them all with the same brush.

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