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Disgusted at doormans behaviour

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  • 1 month later...
It depends entirely on the venue, and the head doorman's attitude most of the time. Viper Rooms is a case in point - its got one of the best door teams i've come across, purely as they're able to diffuse most situations, but are capable of restraining someone if being difficult; without going overboard.


Fact is, you'll lose your badge/job if you're caught slapping some idiot about, as much as you might want to. Until you've done any night time job in the city centre of any large city, you've got no idea about some of the idiots who'll cause problems on a night out. And don't even get me started on some of the crap that female promotions staff get from drunk lads.


We at Viper Rooms are quite proactive and sont just stand static, we walk through the crowd etc. personally i have a good relationship with alot of customers regular or new as i take time to speak to them etc. Cheers Bobs for the compliments

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  • 10 months later...

You left your tobacco at your behind. Are you sure you're sober now? The doormen were stopping you getting in by pushing you away - that's what they are there for but you couldn't leave it there could you? Grow up and if you can't handle your beer don't drink so much:roll:

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After trying to gain entry to the sportsman inn on cambridge road on saturday 24th August 2013, after leaving it and realising I had left my tobacco at my behind, I was refused entry.


In my admittedly drunken state, I tried to get in anyway, and I was shoved in the chest back from the door. For some reason, I shoved him back in the chest. It was probably a natural reaction to his overt agression.


The next thing that happened was that both of the bouncers grabbed an arm a piece, tripped up a leg a piece and shoved me head-first into the pavement HARD and FAST with my arms held behind me so I couldn't break my fall. It was a systematic, rehearsed, and synchronised manouver designed not to restrain or control, but to destroy.


As far as I'm concerned, these bouncers should be sacked. People DIE that way.


I am 9 stone 7 pounds.


If you feel they were being overly aggressive, even in your drunken state, you can make formal complaints to both the council and the SIA

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Unless you know what happened first, you really don't know whether the violence was warranted. The guy could have been a drug dealer or anything. If bouncers are soft, the scrotes just run riot in places like Wetherspoons.


violence is never warrented from so called security supervisors

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