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Disgusted at doormans behaviour

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I'm sober now, because I actually don't drink. This was a one off as there was a friend in town I had not seen in a very very long time (my best friend from nappies actually), and he likes drinking very much. But I'm straight back to tee-total again, and I think with what happened, that's how it's going to stay.


The bouncer didn't just push me in the chest, he struck it hard, and my response was purely automatic, pushing him back in the chest the way he did me. I would do that sober or drunk with anyone who did that to me.


Suddenly being grabbed by 2 hard men, probably a combined weight of 4 times my weight throwing me violently to the floor. That's a totally disproportionate use of force. And they held my hands so I couldn't break my fall. I did manage to get my hands out in front of me but not in time.


Anyway, I'm not drinking again, so this will not happen in the future, not to me, but if they keep going on like that, they're going to kill someone. It's lucky that i've got a hard head or it would have been fractured, or worse.


I'm a small guy - 5'6" - 9 stone 7.


Oh grow up.


You were refused entry but tried to force your way in anyway.

They did exactly what they were trained to do.


You admit you were drunk, plus admit you tried to clearly have a go to "fight back". You dont even know exactly what happened as you were too drunk to control your own actions.


You are not dead, seriously injured or psychologically scarred. Bruised ego is about as much as you have suffered.


Learn the lesson and get over it.

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Thats absolutely abominable if those brutal bully thugs grabbed your head and tried to twist it into the concrete pavement or the wall or window sill. With those 2 big guys and you just 5'6" and small I think that was deliberate unprovoked force with internt to seriously wound - you have a case there and complaiuning to their management is just the first step - you need to sue them for all they got andf put them out of business !

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One of the bouncers struck me in the chest, and I struck him back. I doubt if he even felt it though. So it wasn't completely unprovoked. But the action taken in response was totally over the top. The police seem to have taken the bouncers word for it that I fell over onto the pavement. The word coincidence didn't seem to crop up in the policemans mind. It would be nice if the police took my word for it, but they never do.


I would consider suing or claims direct or something along those lines, but I wouldn't be able to keep up with the paperwork involved, so it will probably never happen.


I don't know. I just think there are other ways bouncers can deliver a message. There are many ways of providing persuasive pain if that's what they really wanted to do, without dishing out potentially fatal physical injuries.


I can't do anything about it, other than to say that they were thugs. I hope it has boosted their ego no end, and they're welcome to it.


judging by your comments it sounds like you deserved it, put it down to experience and grow a pair:roll::roll:

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I have submitted a complaint with the SIA. Not sure how much help the council would be. They left me with 4 deep cuts, which are 3/4 healed now. One of the cuts is mystifying as it is right in the recess of my nose, and I don't think that is possible by "falling over onto the pavement", as the bouncers put it to the police -not without breaking my nose, which was not broken. I'm beginning to think it wasn't the pavement I was pushed into, but some fixture on the walls outside the place. I'm now placing my bets on the window-sill outside the pub.


It's a bit frustrating because no matter how much I have drank in the past, a day or two later, I can usually remember what happened. But these guys hit my head hard and that's wiped quite a lot of my memory clean out.


I remember that I was assaulted, and I have a vague reflection of one of the boucers saying "ready?", and that's when my head starting moving very fast towards something very hard.


It seems amazing the stuff you are claiming to remember - despite the fact that you were so drunk you attempted to barge your way past said bouncers to get back in a venue you were refused entry to AND despite the fact that you were unable to control your actions because you admitted that you "shoved them back"


Just admit it. You were drunk. You acted an idiot and you fell on your ass.


The police agree with it. The bouncers certainly agree with it.


Grow up and learn from your mistake.

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To be fair if yu start shoving a bouncer in the chest then that is aggressive behaviour on your part .. in future go to a quieter bar that doesnt require security


The thing is it's people like computerguy here who are the reason the quiet bars end up getting security.


If security really did uncontrollably push / throw him face first into the ground, he'd have a broken nose. The fact he doesn't indicates that maybe they were more in control of the situation than he realises.

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Why do so many people seem to think that violence against the person is ok or justified if it happens to be doorstaff that are involved? It's never ok, they're supposed to be trained and qualified security employees, not unreconstructed bully boys. It's not so long ago that we were discussing similar violence by door staff against a young lass.


They need reporting to their licensing authority and maybe given some retraining, imo.


If security really did uncontrollably push / throw him face first into the ground, he'd have a broken nose. The fact he doesn't indicates that maybe they were more in control of the situation than he realises.
He doesn't seem to be saying that they 'uncontrollably' threw him to the ground, but that they did it with unnecessary force and violence. Do we have to wait until someone dies before these people are reined in?
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