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Disgusted at doormans behaviour

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Why do so many people seem to think that violence against the person is ok or justified if it happens to be doorstaff that are involved? It's never ok, they're supposed to be trained and qualified security employees, not unreconstructed bully boys. It's not so long ago that we were discussing similar violence by door staff against a young lass.


They need reporting to their licensing authority and maybe given some retraining, imo.


He doesn't seem to be saying that they 'uncontrollably' threw him to the ground, but that they did it with unnecessary force and violence. Do we have to wait until someone dies before these people are reined in?


I am tired of reading such sanctimonious claptrap, if a drunk is told he cannot enter a bar and tries to force his way in the doorman is perfectly entitled to stop him. If the drunk decides to escalate the situation he deserves hat he gets. You stereotyping all Doormen is pathetic, they do a valuable job. Without them the night time economy would be un workable.

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I am tired of reading such sanctimonious claptrap, if a drunk is told he cannot enter a bar and tries to force his way in the doorman is perfectly entitled to stop him. If the drunk decides to escalate the situation he deserves hat he gets. You stereotyping all Doormen is pathetic, they do a valuable job. Without them the night time economy would be un workable.
I'm not stereotyping all doorstaff, but ones who behave like that need some retraining.


He'd already left the premises and only wanted to go back in to collect something that belonged to him. Why didn't they tell him to wait outside and they'd find his stuff and fetch it to him, if they no longer wanted his custom, instead of pushing him about unnecessarily and then throwing him to the ground?


I bet a monkey that if it'd been coppers in the frame for it, you'd be singing a different song.

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Why didn't they tell him to wait outside and they'd find his stuff and fetch it to him, if they no longer wanted his custom, instead of pushing him about unnecessarily and then throwing him to the ground?


Did he tell them what he wanted, or did he just tell them he was going back in?


As for "pushing him about" and "throwing him to the ground"...


The next thing that happened was that both of the bouncers grabbed an arm a piece, tripped up a leg a piece and shoved me head-first into the pavement HARD and FAST with my arms held behind me so I couldn't break my fall. It was a systematic, rehearsed, and synchronised manouver designed not to restrain or control, but to destroy.


It's impossible to throw someone to the ground while holding their arms and pulling their legs away from them. The manouver described sounds almost exactly the move I've seen done numerous times by fully trained staff, as well as the Police. Despite what he says, I strongly doubt that he was unrestrained when he reached the floor, it's a move done entirely to restrain and control and prevent people from continuing to kick off.


I bet a monkey that if it'd been coppers in the frame for it, you'd be singing a different song.


What happens if you start pushing coppers around who've told you to go home?

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I'm not stereotyping all doorstaff, but ones who behave like that need some retraining.


He'd already left the premises and only wanted to go back in to collect something that belonged to him. Why didn't they tell him to wait outside and they'd find his stuff and fetch it to him, if they no longer wanted his custom, instead of pushing him about unnecessarily and then throwing him to the ground?


I bet a monkey that if it'd been coppers in the frame for it, you'd be singing a different song.


How do you know, were you there? there is no evidence other than what this drunk tells us, how dare you jump to such conclusions?

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So to sum up he can't actually remember what happened except for relevant parts that suit him ie the door staff assaulted him after he tried to shove his way into pub and when they wouldn't let him he retaliated. Most people would have simply asked if they could have their property back had they been sober enough. He had clearly been asked to leave due to his behaviour - think he either needs to stay alcohol free or grow up:roll::roll::roll:

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