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Disgusted at doormans behaviour

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Its not a easy job working the doors,I did it for 5 yrs and I can tell you that the doormen have to take a lot of <REMOVED> that customers dont always see,and I know some of the doormen at that pub and they are a good set of lads who are very professional.

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Its not a easy job working the doors,I did it for 5 yrs and I can tell you that the doormen have to take a lot of <REMOVED> that customers dont always see,and I know some of the doormen at that pub and they are a good set of lads who are very professional.


Also you dont know what the lad was up to, could have been drugs related or anything that other customers didnt see.

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Just because you didn't see him doing anything or kicking off as you say doesn't mean he wasnt up to no good, could have been dealing drugs had a weapon who knows what. At end of day they would be no need for bouncers if people could control themselves and abide by the law when they go out.

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Its not a easy job working the doors,I did it for 5 yrs and I can tell you that the doormen have to take a lot of <REMOVED> that customers dont always see,and I know some of the doormen at that pub and they are a good set of lads who are very professional.
Obviously the set of lads that the op witnessed, are a totally different set of lads from the ones you know.


No-one thinks that it's an easy job, but I'm sure that you agree that the behaviour commented on is not acceptable for licensed doorstaff? It's more akin to ABH than what you should expect from professional, licensed operatives.


If it had been my son being manhandled in that way, I would be making it my business to see that heads would be rolling, they could be sure of that. :|

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Report it to whoever licenses the doormen. It used to be Sheffield Council licensing but I think it's been handed over to some national body. I'm sure the council can give you a contact email or phone number though.


Shame Redrobbo is on a self imposed sabbatical (he on the licensing committee so would have details of who to contact).

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