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Disgusted at doormans behaviour

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Its not a easy job working the doors,I did it for 5 yrs and I can tell you that the doormen have to take a lot of <REMOVED> that customers dont always see,and I know some of the doormen at that pub and they are a good set of lads who are very professional.


Also you dont know what the lad was up to, could have been drugs related or anything that other customers didnt see.


Just because you didn't see him doing anything or kicking off as you say doesn't mean he wasnt up to no good, could have been dealing drugs had a weapon who knows what. At end of day they would be no need for bouncers if people could control themselves and abide by the law when they go out.


Even if the guy was doing something wrong it doesn't mean that while being restrained by having his arms held and escorted out that one of the bouncers can headbutt him from behind.

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Also you dont know what the lad was up to, could have been drugs related or anything that other customers didnt see.

That's true...but the door men are not allowed to dish out punishment...they are only there to keep people safe, not give them a kicking....

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We went out last nite to Weatherspoons at Hillsboro,while we were in there the door men came in and went to the end of the pub,I didnt see any fracas going on but then they had a young lad,there were 5 doormen 2 holding his arms,2 at the side and one behind,to my horro the one behind was headbutting him all the way WHY??? Im not condoning the lads behaviour though I didnt see hin do anything.They took him outside and fair enough he was shouting "why did you do that" and they were all shouting back at him.The police came and wouldnt let him have hi say just talked to the doormen,he shouted again and they had him on the floor 4 police this time!!!! i went and spoke to the police and said bascially the door man assaulted him but guess what they just shrugged grrrrrrrrrrrrr that could have been anyones son and i dont agree how they handled it.Last thing he was carted off in a police van I was so angry tha so called professionals have to be so heavy handed and the door men got away with assault.


Was it a bouncer ? I thought a doorman was someone wearing white gloves that holds the door open for you :confused:

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Don't pubs like Weatherspoons have cctv inside, I thought they did?


The CCTV in that place is shocking, my OH got headbutted next to the doors that lead outside to the smoking area, tit that did it got arrested, OH made statement, came back, nothing on CCTV.


Another time, a friend got attacked inside next to the bar, lead to my friend pasting the lass that came with a glass from behind, ask for CCTV, nope couldn't see it again! I know from alot of friends of friends that the CCTV never actually picks up alot.


I've never had any 'run-ins' with the bouncers, but do talk to them alot and they do seem some of the better bouncers compared to some of the prats in town!

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Don't pubs like Weatherspoons have cctv inside, I thought they did?

I did jury duty once and got a case that was two off-duty bouncers beating up a young lad. No CCTV footage from Weatherspoons, no CCTV footage in the town centre, so they had friends in the right places. Their downfall was that their defence was "we both got knocked out in one punch, at the same time, and didn't see or do anything" so they were found guilty.

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